OP - I understand what you're looking for. My wife also has a car that I take the utmost care of, as I refuse to let her have something that's going to leave her stranded, or vulnerable in a parking lot waiting for me or anything like that. It doesn't matter what she drives, I'll take good care of it.
Also, to everyone jerking over the ONE metal-backed guide - get off the horse, geez. Sure, it's nice to have, but ALL of your other guides are plastic only. I think someone can get by not having the metal-backed one. Recommended? Yes. Required? No. Yeesh. No means no, people; he said he wasn't interested over and over and over again.
Another alternative:
Post on here looking for locals who would be interested in helping you do the work. It's definitely doable in a garage, whether yours or someone else's. Offer to throw an Audi party.
Offer much beer and pizza for the help.
Offer money if they're going to do it at their place. Probably give some money anyway for the few people that are really doing the brunt of the work. They're saving you $10k in labor, after all.
Get a rental car by the month, for one month. This is a weekend worth of work for those of us who can do it, but it's a solid weekend for the timing work, and the other stuff might flow into the next weekend. This way you'll get a good deal on the car, and you won't be pressed for time. And you'll probably have an extra set of wheels for a couple weeks, too.
You don't really need all $4.5k worth of parts for a car that's currently working just fine. About $2k will do it. Some of those other parts are mostly what goes bad if you let timing problems go for too long, and haven't proven to be a problem on cars where the service is done before it gets bad.
So you'll be saving many thousands on labor, get everything you want, and can keep the car for years and years more, more than likely (unless you get some scoring, but rinse and repeat with the party deal and move your new timing parts over to the new block).
If you were local to me, I'd do it for you. I could almost be sweet-talked into doing it in my garage. Almost