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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Suspension - Can i install just a aftermarket strut on OEM Shocks?

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    I'm pretty sure my suspension struts are shot. My car was in an accident, i think the previous driver hit a curb going 50mph. ALOT of wheel components were bent or split, even part of the knuckle on the drivers side was ripped off. Yeah... 2 inches thick of metal was split at the under arm socket.

    I noticed inside the engine bay part of the metal where the rubber caps are near the wheel hub is split, like the top two control arms went so high up that it hit the engine bay. Now i notice my strut on my drivers side is not perfectly centered with the Bracket that is attached two the engine bay. So i presume shocks don't go bad from accidents since it just a spring. I think all the Hydrolic fluid fall out of the strut.

    When i turn my car it makes metal clinging sounds, pretty loud. Mainly in sationary. Its getting worse while driving slowly and turning. I replaced almost everything on the drivers wheel area. EXCEPT THE SUSPENSION!

    I don't want to blow 800 dollars on a kit, unless i have too. Is it possible to install aftermarket struts on OEM Shocks? Has anyone done it. I doubt its public, since most people just buy an entire kit.

    Also, is a aftermarket suspension kit worth it? I don't plan on racing on a track. Just some Drag racing:P Is it softer or harder? I guess i could buy a OEM Strut but not gonna pay 400 for both sides if eventually it will all go bad few years down the line.

    If you are wondering i drive a 2010 S5 with 48k miles, So far, AWE exhaust, and AWE air intake, years from now i want a supercharger.

    Last edited by Nobodyman; 04-13-2016 at 10:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    It's difficult to understand what you're really asking because the terms you're using don't really make sense the way you're using them. The front dampers are struts and the rear dampers are shocks. I think what you're asking is - can you just replace the metal rod part (silver metal rod plus black cylinder) with an aftermarket equivalent while leaving everything else the same?

    Yeah, you could probably do that but I have no idea what aftermarket piece would be comparable to what's in the car now to know how the car will handle afterward. Best advice would be to place a post on the classifieds asking if anyone has a stock suspension setup they would be willing to let go for cheap. I suspect there are many people with these components just collecting dust somewhere.

    I would very much recommend that you take your car to an Indy shop to have them look at what's going on. Based on your description of the car it seems there maybe some serious issues and I would be concerned about the safety and integrity of the front end. Sounds like you may like drag racing which might suggest you like driving quickly. This car does not sound like it should be driven at all, let alone quickly.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings JamesRS5's Avatar
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    My recommendation for what it's worth:

    From you explanation of the problem, you don't have much experience or knowledge of car mechanics, I would strongly suggest you take it to someone who does and not a garage that will just slap some paint over the cracks and tell you it's ok.

    There is honestly so much going on with the front of your car that it would be difficult to diagnose (safely) what to replace.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings Brozee's Avatar
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    You couldn't ask for a better reason to switch to coilovers...... If money is your worry get a set of H&R Street Sports and call it a day. Install them yourself and learn a thing or two in the process. Well worth it.
    2013 S5
    APR Stg. 2+ Ultracharger, DSG, CPS | Full AWE Touring Exhaust | Roc-Euro Intake | H&R Coilovers | MRR GF6 | 034 Trans + Diff + Subframe Inserts | Apikol Rear Diff Mount | CR-15 | Full Eurocode USS Suspension | DEVAL CF Rear Diffuser | Adams Rotors / Akebono | Stoptech SS Lines | RS5 Grill | Tint | LED Interior, Reverse + Turn | HID Fogs | Escort Max 2

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesRS5 View Post
    My recommendation for what it's worth:

    From you explanation of the problem, you don't have much experience or knowledge of car mechanics, I would strongly suggest you take it to someone who does and not a garage that will just slap some paint over the cracks and tell you it's ok.

    There is honestly so much going on with the front of your car that it would be difficult to diagnose (safely) what to replace.

    ... Did you not see the pictures? i took my car to a dealer for a stupid cause. I accidently installed v6 Engine mounts on the car, i bought the wrong part and i knew that when the dealer told me. Then instead of redoing it again and putting on the v8 engine mounts. I was charged $2000 for doing what i already did. I have put in hundreds of hours on this car in just work. I can tell you installing a radiator is a lot harder than replacing a suspension. Its all very easy stuff, the problem is the no time i have to do it.

    If i can't fix the problem with a cheaper way, than ill buy the a whole set for a suspension.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobodyman View Post
    ... Did you not see the pictures? i took my car to a dealer for a stupid cause. I accidently installed v6 Engine mounts on the car, i bought the wrong part and i knew that when the dealer told me. Then instead of redoing it again and putting on the v8 engine mounts. I was charged $2000 for doing what i already did. I have put in hundreds of hours on this car in just work. I can tell you installing a radiator is a lot harder than replacing a suspension. Its all very easy stuff, the problem is the no time i have to do it.

    If i can't fix the problem with a cheaper way, than ill buy the a whole set for a suspension.
    I'm not sure what you're getting at here - the advice given by James really seems sound. Maybe there is a huge disconnect between what you know versus what you're able to articulate - but based on the description you've given of what you think the issue may be, I have no clue what you're even saying. My takeaway from what you wrote in your OP is that you don't know how suspensions work and you don't know what's wrong with your suspension, but you think there's a problem with it. Knowing how to turn a wrench and remove/replace components is not an indicator of machine understanding. I don't think anyone can help you because you haven't given us any information we can use to diagnose your issue.

    You also didn't provide any context behind the photos you posted, is that your personal garage and you're showing us you did some work yourself, or is that some dude's garage you took your car to who saiid "yeah, I can figger that out for ya"? In any case nothing you've portrayed suggests you understand your suspension - it's a little more complex than just removing a few bolts and installing a new damper or spring. If the whole thing is messed up would you even know what to look for? Do you know how to check for bent control arms or steering knuckles? (Aside from looking for a big gash in metal that is). Replacing all the components may not address your problems.


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