So yesterday we had a pretty decent amount of rain come down all at once. This has happened before and had never caused any issues with car, until yesterday.
After work, I got in, like I normally do, and started her up. I get a warning on the DIS letting me know the front right turn signal is out then immediately after the rear right light is out as well. Kinda fishy but ok, no biggie maybe I just need new bulbs.
So my friend is driving behind me and lets me know that the rear right light is flickering off and on. Weird again but maybe just the bulb. So I get home and shut the car off. Walk around the front and the right front turn signal is illuminated. I take the bulbs out and they are both fine. I pull the front right head light out and cant find any issues with the light housing or the wire harness.
So I do some Googling and hit up some fellow enthusiasts. Check all fuses and they are fine, triple checked that I didnt accidentally leave the turn signal stock in the up position. Then notice that none of the interior overhead lights work, including vanity mirrors. So I try the sunroof and sure enough that also isnt working.
Im at a loss and can only think that MAYBE the Central Electronics Control Module is at fault?
Any ideas?