Hello Gentlemen, new member here. I did the obligatory search, and found nothing...
I'm wondering if anybody has a link to a website or PDF with a list of directly interchangeable parts between B6 A4's and Volkswagens? I've seen such lists before on auto-wreckers websites many years ago, but for the life of me I can't find anything relating to the B6 platform that's more up to date. I'd like to know what used cars and parts I could consider for purchase (Passat for example). Like everybody else, I refuse to pay dealers, let alone retail prices for parts. (I was a VW mechanic and I know that a little searching saves big $$$)
Also... can anybody tell me if the radiator for an imported Japanese A4 3.0 liter B6 is the same as an American or California radiator? Because it's definitely not the same as the Canadian version ( I assume due to different cabin/intake heating req's) , and now I find myself in possession of a beautiful radiator that's totally useless for me. This Japanese radiator has only 2 coolant inlets (quik-connects), when the Canadian one has three. I'll be looking to sell it cheap.
Thanks for the help :)