How much do you all pay for your S4s and are you concerned about depreciation?
I purchased my 2012 S4 Prestige Sport-diff CPOed in March 2014. 45k miles $38300. A few thousand down, 72 month loan, $602 monthly. Absolutely loved the car for the past 2 years. No accidents, great condition, etc. Loved the car and took great care of it.
Car currently has 81000 miles, current buyout is $26,800, CPO warranty is up in September of this year. I began to look into trading it in for the next adventure. Quite shocked and appalled at the depreciation. Two non-Audi dealers offered me KBB value for the car which is a laughable $19K.
I went back to the Audi dealership who originally sold me the car (Lagan Audi now Audi Albany). First time (End of March) they offered me 23.5k on the car towards a new A3 premium lease. 15k/36 lease, 3411 down (Fees and tax only), $580 monthly. I told them I would shop around and be back. I went back today (April 11), they said the dealer incentives have changed. They offered me 21500 for the car, 4050 down (Fees, taxes, the rest as what they said was a cap cost reduction once I called them out on the higher down payment), and $621 monthly. I want to walk away from this, but I feel stuck as I feel like I am going to take such a bigger hit on the trade by going to a different dealership.
I just feel very frustrated at Audi right now. I never expected to be put in this position, and having much less of a car under a lease with a huge initial cost and a higher monthly payment just blows my mind. If I knew I was going to be thousands upside down, I would have leased back then and have avoided this problem. I just feel completely taken advantage of.
I don't know if this post even belongs in this forum, but I just feel the need to vent and to see what others have experienced... Anyone else been in this position besides me? Any advice or tips for me?
Thank you and regards.