Hey Guys,
So I bought a complete S5 front bumper to install on my 2010 A5. It's currently in the shop getting repaired and primed so it can be painted. The splitter/spoiler (Part # 8T0807717 3FZ) had two cracks in it, which went all the way through the part, but they were small cracks, not open or wide by any means. To my surprise, the body shop guy said that he would not be able to repair this part. The rest of the bumper was pretty f**ked up itself, so I couldn't understand why he could fix the rest but not the splitter. He said it was because it was chrome (The part number I listed above is for the black one, which is the one I'm looking for. But the bumper I bought came with a chrome one. I was just going to have it repaired/painted...I thought) and that I would need to buy a replacement. This sounded weird to me, so I plan on taking the splitter to another body shop to see if anyone else will repair/paint it. The "chrome" that was on the part seemed to be a thin layer of chrome colored coating, that could be easily sanded off...I would think. Not sure what the deal is.
I've done a little preliminary searching for this part online. It appears that there aren't many used ones for sale out there (Or if there are, I'm not turning them up) and buying a new one is going to run me $300 + it looks like. I guess what I'm asking, does anyone know where the cheapest place to get replacement OEM parts would be? Or maybe a better way to track down a used one somewhere? I'm already a few hundred dollars into this bumper, so at this point I'm going to see it through and get it the way I want it, no matter what it ends up taking.
At this point, I can't justify spending that kind of money for a small piece of plastic, unless it turns out its the only way I'm going to be able to complete the bumper. I'm guessing buying a used one and having it repaired (If needed) would be my best bet, but where should I search?