So I recently bought a catch can by cts turbo and the installation and everything was a breeze. The product didn't come with instructions nor did they have clear instructions on their website.
So I changed my oil when I installed the can, and for some reason I see a light amount of oil on the left side of the block. It is also mildly smoking out around that area but can't put my finger on exactly where it is coming from?
Took the catch can off and cleaned around the head and the seals on the catch can or pcv delete. After I put the new pcv delete on it wasn't smoking as much but it still definitely is. I don't have any CELs, and when I go to check the oil level through the MMI it says that the oil level can not be displayed right now, even after the car has been lightly driven for about 100 miles.
Any thoughts or comments to what it could potentially be?
Thanks in advance!
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