So basically my 2.0T was burning oil. Took it in for the phase 1 test. It still consumed oil. Brought it back, and now the dealer is giving me complete crap and a hard time, I feel like they may be trying to get out of doing phase 2.
Car was purchased used with 65k.
They audi dealer just called me and said they need the 55k and 65k service records from me in order to do phase 2. I told them I don't have them and I called the dealer and they don't either. But audi has every record up until just before the 55k mile service.
So I called another dealership and they told me they have never asked any customer for service records to perform this warranty work.
I called AoA and they won't do anything about it since it's an open claim with an independently owned audi dealer.
Has anyone else here had this kind of BS happen to them ? I took the car to the dealer twice for the phase 1 test and now for the phase 2. And I feel like I'm getting the run around.they said audi is rejecting the repair and They are saying they are attempting to talk AoA to do it out of "goodwill" since I'm outside of the warranty, but I've taken it there with 68k miles the first time and now 76k miles for phase 2. That should still be under warranty.
Just want to get your guys thoughts here.