Hello guys, I am currently looking to replace my C5 A6 Avant (https://wheelwell.com/profile/554997...afdaa13/specs/) with a B7 S4 Avant Manual with low miles (~60K) in any color except black and white, and with alot of options. Preferably sprint blue or dolphin gray. I know I'm pretty much looking for a unicorn haha, but I can wait lol.
I just saw a 2008 dolphin gray one on cars.com last week but it unfortunately sold within 24 hours. I need to find the new owner and buy it off of them haha.
Im currently looking at these two (http://www.panjo.com/buy/2006-s4-ava...278184?index=5) and (http://www.panjo.com/buy/2007-b7-s4-...269860?index=1)
Let me know what you guys think. Im getting a PPI done on both of them once I contact the owners and the car seems viable.
Please give me any other assistance if you are or know of one selling.
Contact me here, email ([email protected]), or phone (775-376-3497).