whats up everybody, im new here and am looking for some help to get my 1998 2.8 30 valve running up to par before I go supercharger.
I always had my eye on these older a4's since they first came out, and I finally got one a few weeks ago and its going to be my little project.
it idles rough on cold start up and barely stays running. when I rev the engine, it sometimes makes a backfiring popping sound coming out of the intake. when I try to drive it, it bucks horribly.
I went to fuss around with it today for a few minutes and I think the fuel pump took a dump. fuel pump fuse is okay, I swapped fuel pump relay with a known working one and it still did not start. I cracked open the fuel lines(one at a time) and cranked the car, no fuel came out. also, I dont hear the fuel pump humming when the ignition is turned on. i installed new fuel filter and spark plugs when i got the car.
these are the codes I scanned before the fuel pump took a dump today.
P0118-coolant temp sensor
P0102-maf circ low input
P1545-T.P. control malfunction
P1559-idle spd control malfunction
P1602-power supply (B+) terminal
30 low voltage
P0322-ign/dist engine spd no signal
before the fuel pump died, I unplugged the maf and coolant temp sensor one at a time to see if the car reacted any differently, it did not.
any help or input would be highly appreciated