My wifes car developed a p2296 code over the winter some time. She's been driving the car for
the last 4 years i've changed the fuel filter 3 times and haven't really had any problems with the car.
I've got vag com and the rail pressure reads 0. Thats the only thing that really sticks out to me. Now
I've been searching and searching and know it could be the hpfp,it could be some sensors and could
even be the ecm. What I'm asking is where would everyone start to try to fix this.....
Dropping the car off at a stealership is not an option. I'm ready and able to take the intake off and
change the g247 fuel sensor,check the hpfp while i'm in there. But I'm stuck on the fact that it could be
so many different things, car has 166k and my wife hardly ever goes over 4,000 rpm. But every few weeks
i'd drive the car hard. We only run shell Vpower and I've stayed on top of the carbon and have never had
any problems.....But this is the first year that we haven't took the car to florida and i really feel that 3,000
mile round trip really kept this car running great. 28-30 mpg was normal during those trips,and also many
miles cruising above 80 mph for hours and this car loved it. The only car I liked better for that trip was my
D2 A8 and only because it had a bigger fuel tank. I know some have had horror stories with the 3.2 but
I can say its been a good car.......I started talking about getting another A6 with the 3.0t and now this
problem,but i need this car to make it untill this october. So i need a plan to fix this soon.