Error kept returning.
Replaced coolant temp sensor (rear of cyl head bank 1) with new green (existing was black).
Code did not come back initially, but later returned.
Also observe that coolant temp gauge in cluster was reading low (lower quarter; normal temp is middle)
VAGcom reading of coolant sensor showed also fairly low temps (60 degree even after quite a bit diving).
IIRC, the 'mapped cooling' error is generated when ECU feels that measured temperature is not in line with expectations.
a) what sensor actually drives the cluster gauge?
b) what sensor feeds ECU?
Since the CTS is a 4 pin, I think there are actually 2 measuring circuits in there?
Aside from the coolant temp sensor, is there another sensor that MEASURES coolant temp?
Aside from the CTS, the mechanical thermostat (under timing belt covers) is listed as potential source for "MAP cooling system" code. I assume that a stuck open thermostat may lead to LOWER coolant temps than the ECU would 'expect' and causing the code?
The one in the lower coolant house is only switching the electrical fan on if I am not mistaken.
What additional troubleshooting can be done to determine the cause for the error code?