Transmission fluid (G052180A2) can be sourced from here
Get 7L as you may need it. Also purchas a new
drain and fill plug.
You will also need a 12 Point Triple-Square 'XZN' Tamper Proof Wrench, Stubby, 16mm to remove the drain plug and a 10 mm hex socket to remove the fill plug.
Lastly a hydraulic fluid hand pump to pump the new fluid in.
Dirve the car, warm it up. Jack it up at both ends and make it fairly level. Remove the fill plug and then the drain plug to drain the fluid. Reinstall the drain plug, pump in fluid until it just overflows. Replace the fill plug and turn engine on and cycle through gears until VCDS shows around 41oC. Turn off, remove the fill plug repeat the fill until overflow, repeat until no more can be pumped in. Torque plugs to 49Nm and you're done.
I did this on Thu night, took about an hour and half going slowly.
Much smoother even when I didn't have any issues previously.
Fluid was a brown/red dirt colour.