I use a pump/pneumatic version of the mityvac purchased off of eBay. Mine is a 9L and works like a champ. Owning a B8.5 platform, I can generally change my oil in about 20mins (15 for the extraction and another 5 for the filter). I have also used it to change my wife's RX350 oil. Both times, virtually mess free, even with the dumping of the oil into an oil reserve. If you do purchase one, I would highly recommend one which holds at least 6L. Some extractors hold much less and the last thing you want to do, is to empty your extractor in the middle of an oil change.
A couple of common questions people ask: Yes, you can extract virtually the same amount of oil as you would from the oil pan bolt. Yes, you can use it on a platform that has the dipstick plug.