I'm Canadian living in the US. I lived in a few provinces in Canada before, and health care MIGHT suck, depending on the province. Not sure where you live in Canada.
Nova Scotia was fine, my mom's heart surgery was promptly scheduled, everything went perfectly, etc. Everything else there might suck, but not the medical care.
But we had no luck with the health care system in British Columbia, my dad had gout and in his feet, was repeatedly misdiagnosed by both UCB Hospital and Vancouver General Hospital. More then 4 doctors and a specialist couldn't figure it out, even after a CT scan and multiple x-rays. We were neglected, lines were hours longs, given wrong medications (antibiotics) for weeks, etc. In the end, about 2 months later, he had to go to Seattle for care, took an hour to figure it out, gave him proper diagnostic, medication, he was better the next day. We were lucky it was not something life threatening and that he could afford private care somewhere else. Doctors in Seattle told us gout is one of the simplest diagnostics there is and could not understand how the BC doctors repeatedly misdiagnosed. Never trusted the BC medical system again. It was so bad a lawyer recommended a malpractice lawsuit, but my dad hates lawyers and never went through with it. Have a few other bad stories about it too, but that's the main one.
Also its not 'free' in BC, its like forced insurance (kinda like it is in the US). At the end of each year, they send us a bill unless you're low income. Can't remember the exact amount, but it was around $1,000. It's less than what I pay for insurance in the US, but the point is, it's not free like most people say. I also rather pay more for better care in the US anyways.