Just in case the reason you are asking is because you are confused by what appears to be a high number: keep in mind that pressure readings are factoring ACTUAL atmospheric pressure. We often consider ourselves to be at 0psi at sea level, but that's not true, we constantly have the entire weight of the atmosphere pushing down on us at all times, but we dont think about it because its what we are used to (its one contributing reason why Astronauts are usually temporarily taller after a lengthy space stint as they dont have the atmosphere and gravity pushing down on them).
At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is ~ 14.70psi or ~1,000mbar
The audi ECU reads pressure, INCLUDING the pressure just created by the atmosphere. So if your car was making ~15psi, it would register as 1,000mbar + the atmospheres 1000mbar and display ~2,000mbar. So just parked at sealevel with the engine off, it should still read about 1,000mbar
If this wasnt why you were asking, then I just wasted your time and my apologies lol