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Thread: Bumper bolts?

  1. #1
    Active Member Two Rings SpooledUpS4's Avatar
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    Bumper bolts?

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    Recently my alternator went bad and I'm trying to do it myself. I've done it before, however, this time the bolts right by the fog lights (the very long ones) are chewed up and rusty. Anyone know what pattern and length it is so I can snag it at the local hardware store? Looks like I'll have to cut the bolt off, therefore I need some more to replace them.

  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings CarlWeasly's Avatar
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    Not sure about the pattern/length, but don't cut the head off. The bolt goes through the support and if you cut the head off you can't get the bumper off by sliding it off the shocks. I did the same thing since one of mine was wrecked.

    Maybe try unbolting the shock from the core support and trying a pair of pliers to un-screw it off the car? that's what i do since my bolt head is gone. Then you could go to a hardware store to see if they have one that matches up

    Best of luck!

  3. #3
    Active Member Two Rings SpooledUpS4's Avatar
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    Thing is that the windshield water apparatus is in the way of taking a bolt off, and it's pure plastic. Is there a way to take the headlight washer out without damaging it? It's in the way of taking it off

  4. #4
    Established Member Two Rings CarlWeasly's Avatar
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    Crap, I forgot about that, mine aren't currently installed. Sorry dude. iirc its 2 10mm bolts that hold it in place, should be enough room to get it off with the bumper installed. I know I did it but I don't remember exactly how. I do remember it being a bit of an awkward position. You should be able to get a good idea on how to take it off once you look at it.

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