It is time for me to peel the plasti-dip off my wheels, as it a.) has aged and looks like shit, and, b.) I am prepping to order new wheels in the very near future. My current wheels are 19” RS4 7-spokes which I dip’d black a while ago. I think black works well with the Oyster Grey and it has been the plan for the new wheels to be black (I don’t have pics at work for reference, and I need to post new ones showing the new drop with my coils anyways). But, a while ago when I was going to do a redo I almost pulled the trigger on bronze, but I bailed. I wasn’t confident on my ability to achieve the shade I was looking for.
So now that I am going to do the job, I figured I would be the Audi test dummy and try out AUTODIP. I’m hoping I can achieve the real GLOSSY finish I want.
Do I re-dip black, like I had, like I like, like my original theme was…
Do I bail and try out bronze, which I have had an itch for, could peel immediately if I wasn’t feeling it, and would be temporary until I order my wheels.
Look at the AUTODIP page for the blue Porsche with bronze wheels (AZ wouldn't let me link it) - I figure that is what my shade could come out to...
