I got pulled over this morning in a School Zone (wasn't speeding), so when the officer came to my window I was like, "Officer, I was going under 20MPH". He said that wasn't the reason, and pointed to my front end. He said that due to the fact that many "systems" around the city are camera based, they have been told to enforce it and hand out citations and/or $136 tickets. He was super cool about it, and let me go with a warning.
Before my B8 S4 I had an MK5 GTI, and I never ran a front plate, so I haven't run one on my S4 (run RS4 grill) for over a year... I guess I'll be looking to either zip tie it or do the Platypus mount. The city wants to ugly up my car!! Sad Face!
Just FYI, you'll likely get off with a warning the first time, but they're logging them. So dumb!