Hello everybody, I require some assistance.
I currently own a VW Passat CC (hear me out) that has DCC dampers which I think is the equivalent of Audi's ACC dampers but it's basically a system that allows me to adjust the stiffness of the suspension from inside the car (adjustable dampers). However I am now thinking about installing air ride into the car and need to find a way of either integrating the DCC system with the air ride or blanking the sensors so the car doesn't throw up error codes.
This is where you guys come in, I asked on the VW forums and was told that this DCC system is more common on Audis and I would have more luck asking here. They seem to think the newer S3 come equipped with this and there are definitely people out there who have bagged S3's.
Long story short, does anyone know of a solution for installing air suspension into a car with factory DCC/ACC (or whatever you want to call it) dampers?
Appreciate any help on the matter!