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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Coolant reservoir goes from Min to Max in 1000 miles

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    Hello, I have noticed my coolant reservoir go from Max to Min in 1000 miles, and I don't have any visible coolant leaks. I do not see any cracks on the reservoir itself unfortunately, that would have been the easy fix. Where are the most common spots for it to leak besides the reservoir? I read something about aux radiators leaking, are those the most likely culprits?


  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings pandapod's Avatar
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    Could be your water pump is on the way out. Do you notice a difference in coolant loss between warm and cold days?
    Sprint Blue Pearl B7 S4 with JHM IM spacers, K&N drop-in filter, 034Motorsports Density Line motor mounts, 034Motorsports sway bay end links

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings
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    AZ Member #

    Thank you for the reply. Hmmmm it's been pretty consistent in temperatures the last 1000 miles or so ~40-50F or so (I live in Seattle). If the water pump was on the way out, would I see coolant dripping on the ground? Or how might I tell?

  4. #4
    Established Member Two Rings pandapod's Avatar
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    No to the best of my knowledge it would simply seep into your engine and over time the level will go down. If you start losing coolant more frequently in the warm months, it could be the water pump. A leaky water pump will be less noticeable in the colder months (I could have this reversed, but think this is correct).

    Do you smell coolant sometimes after a long drive?
    Sprint Blue Pearl B7 S4 with JHM IM spacers, K&N drop-in filter, 034Motorsports Density Line motor mounts, 034Motorsports sway bay end links

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings
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    No, no coolant smell... and my temps seem pretty consistent. I will put the car into service position this weekend and check out the aux radiators and such... I have to replace my valley pan gasket anyways so it works out.


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