So my car has been fairly reliable, but I need to do some maintenance to it. When I bought the car it had a fairly complete service history. This is the important part from the dealer service at 99055 miles. It now has around 112,xxx miles.
Water Pump changed
Timing Belt changed
Coolant changed
Recommended services:
Left and right engine mounts
Snub Mount
Cost: $1,162.20
PCV system: $432
Prop shaft seal for transmission: $612.50
Coolant flange: $441.58
Cam Adjuster Seal: $665.99
Valve Cover Gasket
The engine mounts and PCV system I'll be getting from 034.
Valve cover gasket and cam adjuster seal: Should I get the OEM gaskets?
Cam Chain Tensioner Gasket: $13.17
Valve Cover Gasket Set: $49.75
I also would need to get the tool. ECS has a kit with the tool for $59.95. If OEM is the best, then I'll get the gaskets from ECS and find a tool on Amazon.
I also planned on getting the coolant flange from ECS for $65.78. Again, is OEM the best option here? The other options are significantly cheaper.
I'm not sure which driveshaft flange seal I need. 018409399B or 01V409399A. Some Googling didn't turn up anything decisive. Would it be advisable to go ahead and replace the diff seal at the same time?
First, though, I need to get the ABS module rebuilt. Ebay rebuilder is around $90, and cheap-abs is around $150. Is cheap ABS really worth the premium?
Since I've gotten the car, I've changed the oil and replaced all four front upper control arms, and both front lower rearward control arms. This really made a big improvement, along with new tires. I still get a bit of a vibration around 70 - 80 mph if I'm not accelerating. Wheel lugs were all torqued to 85 ft - lbs, and tire pressures have been set correctly. Some searching indicates that this may be a driveshaft bearing. How can I check for that?
I know that's a lot of questions, and if I just need to search more, I have no problem doing that. Thanks for any help anyone can give.