I took my 13 S6 in because the 1-2 shift was a neck snaper when cold at full throttle. it felt like mid shift someone would slam on the brakes.
The shop waited till next morning when it was cold but couldn't reproduce it. They went ahead and updated the TCU (had already been done at a year), ECU, and climate control.
What a difference. Much less drive by wire delay, faster shifts, quicker to get fully into gear from a start. In sport the shifts are quite fast. It also downshifts quicker and seems to have a smidge more power. Its the way the car should have been done from the start. I have always hated the slow starts from a light under normal throttle. No more, it goes. In sport its almost harsh for a luxury sedan, love it. For those who haven't had a tune done, you should request this.
Anybody know what the climate control reprogram was meant to accomplish? I've noticed no difference. Service writer is basically, its an update, what it does who knows.
On a side note, I scraped a wall pulling into the driveway. a very minor scratch hardly noticeable, most didn't even go through the clear bra. I had an estimate done and WAM, $3,600 for this little scratch. Cover has to come off then then the sensors have to be realigned ($1,800) damn! I'll live with it.