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I started it, the stopped when I realized there is not much more potential and torque than a well tuned 1.8T on standalone. You will have to custom make many parts. Hank is the only one I know of who is making the oil pan. Priced at nearly 1K, I would give it a shot making your own.
I'm ok with most of the custom parts. Plan is to make the pan and if doesn't work, buy a pan. But the last lead time was 6months. Emailed Iroz a couple days ago, still no reply.
The main thing that's stopping me is the intake manifold. I need both PS and AC. The only solution to keep both, but still not ideal, is the Mr2 elec-hydro PS pump.
Nothing beats $300 for a very low mileage engine, less than 10kmiles even as low as 2kmiles. But without a proper PS solution, prices could jump to Vr6 prices.