So after sitting for years, I'm slowly got my car up and running again. I originally parked it because of an overheating issue, which I later found was related to a cracked water pump impeller. I did a timing belt service and found some broken blades on my radiator fan. I bought a used fan set with shroud and spliced them to the FCM. So now the car is running, but I take it around the neighborhood to see if everything is working properly and it still overheats. I figured it was air in the coolant system, but I noticed the fans weren't turning on at all even with the car overheating. So I figured maybe I got some bad fans or a bad FCM. I bought another used fan set with FCM intact, so no splicing. Hooked it up, check the fan relay in the ECU box to make sure it was good(it looked perfect, no water issues in there) and went for another spin. The fans still aren't coming on. I read that for the AC to work, the auxiliary fan must come on. I cranked the A/C to the coldest and turned the vent fan all the way up and the fans still aren't moving. What else can I double check here. I'm ready to take it to a shop, but I feel like it'll be some minor issue I'm overlooking. Any suggestions?