On November 2nd I was woke up by my brother calling me asking me if I could come help him out. Somebody had ran him into the ditch on one of the curvy back roads out near here. He drives a 97 Lexus. So I get there and his car is really stuck. Drivers side is smashed a little. Tire is blown. We end up getting his car out and I follow him into town. On the way back, on the same exact road that my brother was just in the ditch( about a half mile up the road), some lady came around a corner and the lost control of her car. She slammed right into the side of my 2010 a4. The insurance company totaled my car out due to structural damage. I went to the hospital and have been going to physical therapy ever since. She hit me hard enough that it took my breath away, and I had a huge welt down my left side from either the airbag or the door (she hit me right at the b pillar) Not a day goes by that my back isn't killing me. Every time I need to work on my car, (bought a clean s4 that had some hidden undisclosed issues, so I had to do work on it right after i bought it.) I am hunched over and my back starts hurting really bad. I have to tried to go out and do some of the things that used to be able to do, like snowboarding, but I find that doing these things hurts incredibly bad. I have had to cancel and reschedule some trips because I don't think I can take it like this. Insurance is there for a reason. They mandate that you have it, and you pay very well to have it. Use it. As stated above, if you have decent insurance, your rates should not go up if you were not at fault. You drive a very nice car and the insurance companies know that. They are there to protect your car and you and if something happens to it they are going to fix it.
I know my story is not the same as yours, just giving my 0.2