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  1. #1
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    So someone rear ended me today....

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    Was driving home today and some lady was using her phone while driving and bump into me. The rear bumper has some minor scratch on it and some paint fall off. not a big deal or really visible. Should I file a claim or something? or should I just let it go? Im not angry that she bumped into me but Im kinda sad that there are scratches on my rear bumper. Whats the better way to handle this?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings [a]bek.'s Avatar
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    Try and get the most money, if you get more paint the bumper like new and keep the exrra

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    Quote Originally Posted by [a]bek. View Post
    Try and get the most money, if you get more paint the bumper like new and keep the exrra
    So I should probably talk to my insurance company and file a claim against the lady's insurance company?

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Mr.Wrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audidd777 View Post
    So I should probably talk to my insurance company and file a claim against the lady's insurance company?
    I'd see if she'd be willing to fork out cash and avoid insurance claim as that will show up on CarFax. If you don't really care about CarFax history, and possibility of your premium going up, then file a claim. I'd hate driving with a scratched up bumper, especially when it wasn't your fault.
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    Always file a claim, get the other driver's info and let your insurance company take care of everything - this is what you pay for. Don't talk to the other party or other insurance company after the info swap. File a police report if required by law - usually according to damage dollar value.

    Your insurance will not go up if you have decent insurance. You are not at fault and no rate increase will occur.

    Don't listen to any advice to circumvent the proper process to get more money, avoid insurance or whatever. Do it right. This is serious stuff that can someday affect your credit if handled like a scumbag.

    We recently had major damage from a hit-and-run and our insurance did not go up. The insurance companies want you to think this and that is why people don't file and others give fear-based advise. I am giving experienced-based advise. 30+ years with Automobile Club Insurance.

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    Absolutely, take the high road call your insurance company and get the car done right. Too many people look at incidents such as these as money making opportunities to make a few dollars, not good. Concavitor is right. good luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Concavitor View Post
    Always file a claim, get the other driver's info and let your insurance company take care of everything - this is what you pay for. Don't talk to the other party or other insurance company after the info swap. File a police report if required by law - usually according to damage dollar value.

    Your insurance will not go up if you have decent insurance. You are not at fault and no rate increase will occur.

    Don't listen to any advice to circumvent the proper process to get more money, avoid insurance or whatever. Do it right. This is serious stuff that can someday affect your credit if handled like a scumbag.

    We recently had major damage from a hit-and-run and our insurance did not go up. The insurance companies want you to think this and that is why people don't file and others give fear-based advise. I am giving experienced-based advise. 30+ years with Automobile Club Insurance.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings VinnysS4's Avatar
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    On November 2nd I was woke up by my brother calling me asking me if I could come help him out. Somebody had ran him into the ditch on one of the curvy back roads out near here. He drives a 97 Lexus. So I get there and his car is really stuck. Drivers side is smashed a little. Tire is blown. We end up getting his car out and I follow him into town. On the way back, on the same exact road that my brother was just in the ditch( about a half mile up the road), some lady came around a corner and the lost control of her car. She slammed right into the side of my 2010 a4. The insurance company totaled my car out due to structural damage. I went to the hospital and have been going to physical therapy ever since. She hit me hard enough that it took my breath away, and I had a huge welt down my left side from either the airbag or the door (she hit me right at the b pillar) Not a day goes by that my back isn't killing me. Every time I need to work on my car, (bought a clean s4 that had some hidden undisclosed issues, so I had to do work on it right after i bought it.) I am hunched over and my back starts hurting really bad. I have to tried to go out and do some of the things that used to be able to do, like snowboarding, but I find that doing these things hurts incredibly bad. I have had to cancel and reschedule some trips because I don't think I can take it like this. Insurance is there for a reason. They mandate that you have it, and you pay very well to have it. Use it. As stated above, if you have decent insurance, your rates should not go up if you were not at fault. You drive a very nice car and the insurance companies know that. They are there to protect your car and you and if something happens to it they are going to fix it.
    I know my story is not the same as yours, just giving my 0.2
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    Follow the correct procedures. As long as there is damage I would file it.

    @VinnysS4 That sucks man glad you made it out tho. Have you tried visiting a chiropractor? Maybe due to the hit something got misaligned. I got tackled hard playing football in HS and it shifted something in my hip. Went to one and he had me lay there while cracking my bones and the pain is gone.

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings bmwpower603's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kambesama View Post
    Follow the correct procedures. As long as there is damage I would file it.

    @VinnysS4 That sucks man glad you made it out tho. Have you tried visiting a chiropractor? Maybe due to the hit something got misaligned. I got tackled hard playing football in HS and it shifted something in my hip. Went to one and he had me lay there while cracking my bones and the pain is gone.
    I took a huge chunk of ice going 80mph. Broken guide at the next startup. Insurance company said its a common problem. So they didn't pay for it.

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Four Rings Blackstallion's Avatar
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    Excuse to grab a DTM rear bumper - that is if you like it...

    "I took a huge chunk of ice going 80mph. Broken guide at the next startup"

    ^^ C'mon you cant be serious...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackstallion View Post
    Excuse to grab a DTM rear bumper - that is if you like it...

    "I took a huge chunk of ice going 80mph. Broken guide at the next startup"

    ^^ C'mon you cant be serious...
    yep. DTM rear bumper sure looks sweet

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    Veteran Member Four Rings LINDW4LL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Concavitor View Post
    Don't listen to any advice to circumvent the proper process to get more money, avoid insurance or whatever. Do it right. This is serious stuff that can someday affect your credit if handled like a scumbag.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a legitimate repair quote and then asking the perpetrator if she'd prefer the option of paying directly before contacting insurance. It's a quick and easy resolution if she prefers to go that route, the incident is kept off of CarFax, and it prevents any risk of your premiums increasing (even if that's unlikely- it sometimes happens).

    If she doesn't want to, no problem. Go through insurance. How could approaching the situation like this affect someone's credit?

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    Veteran Member Four Rings Guitarmageddon's Avatar
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    On a sem-related note...

    In many/most states, there is a limit that the insurance company MUST adhere to before they can raise your rates. This is regardless of whatever money they collect towards repairs, from whatever source, whatever the damage.

    In virginia, I was backed into last year. At first, there was no other at fault party (the guy left the scene before they tracked him down) so my insurer 1.) initially told me I'd be liable for the deductible (which is technically understandable) but many times they waive it, and 2.) since there was no one else to legitimately collect money from, if the amount the insurance company had to dispense to pay repairs exceeded $750 then I was liable for a rate hike. You can either go through their insurance company and deal with the hassle that can be, or you can have your own policy pay it out and then they obtain the money from the other party's insurance. This is called subrogation I believe.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings VinnysS4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kambesama View Post

    @VinnysS4 That sucks man glad you made it out tho. Have you tried visiting a chiropractor? Maybe due to the hit something got misaligned. I got tackled hard playing football in HS and it shifted something in my hip. Went to one and he had me lay there while cracking my bones and the pain is gone.
    Thanks man
    yeah I am currently seeing a chiropractor. It has been a long drawn out painful struggle. People shouldn't abuse insurance, but it's there to use and why we pay so much for it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LINDW4LL View Post
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a legitimate repair quote and then asking the perpetrator if she'd prefer the option of paying directly before contacting insurance. It's a quick and easy resolution if she prefers to go that route, the incident is kept off of CarFax, and it prevents any risk of your premiums increasing (even if that's unlikely- it sometimes happens).

    If she doesn't want to, no problem. Go through insurance. How could approaching the situation like this affect someone's credit?
    Another danger of going this route is the event that something deeper is discovered. If it were an insurance claim and excessive damage beyond original inspection is found during repair, the repair shop submits a supplement request to the insurance and it is paid or the car is deemed a loss and is totaled. If you are dealing with the person that caused the damage and you exceed the initial quote, you could find yourself in a rough place trying to get the additional payment.
    Decisions decisions....

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    Quote Originally Posted by LINDW4LL View Post
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a legitimate repair quote and then asking the perpetrator if she'd prefer the option of paying directly before contacting insurance. It's a quick and easy resolution if she prefers to go that route, the incident is kept off of CarFax, and it prevents any risk of your premiums increasing (even if that's unlikely- it sometimes happens).

    If she doesn't want to, no problem. Go through insurance. How could approaching the situation like this affect someone's credit?
    Personally, I would rather a claim be filed and it reported properly. Anyone buying a car surely wants to know the accurate and honest history of the car and if has been in an accident and not disclosed as such, well - that is dishonest to say the least. I could care less if it was repaired well or not, that is not the point, I want to buy a car I know and have confidence has never been in an accident.

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    So does anyone know where to get an DTM rear bumper? Im thinking to just order one and have it painted and put it on myself.

    Will the insurance let me do that? or do I really have to have a shop do it for me?

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    Veteran Member Four Rings LINDW4LL's Avatar
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    You can get the DTM bumper from any parts site (ECS, GAP, JimEllis, etc) or have your local Audi dealer order it.

    For insurance, go and get a quote at the best body shop around. You can request the check be made out to you directly as long as you own the car outright, or if it's going through her insurance company. However, your insurance company will not write the check to you if there is a lien on the car.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LINDW4LL View Post
    You can get the DTM bumper from any parts site (ECS, GAP, JimEllis, etc) or have your local Audi dealer order it.

    For insurance, go and get a quote at the best body shop around. You can request the check be made out to you directly as long as you own the car outright, or if it's going through her insurance company. However, your insurance company will not write the check to you if there is a lien on the car.
    Thx for the info Lind. Glad that I own my car.


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