My temperature gauge needle has been flickering bright/dim for the last few weeks until it just went to a constant dim, which is annoying because its now that dim that at night i can't tell what its readout is unless i look at it for a good 4 - 5 seconds.
My initial though was a poor contact from the plug - but i highly doubt that the temperature gauge has its own wire for lighting the two LED's responsible for illumination of it, i wiggled all of them and fiddled with the wires.. it made no difference.
I took apart the cluster.. I really have nfi what I'm doing or looking for when it comes to this stuff. All the solders look good around the LED's. I plugged it back into the car with the face off to get a really good look at it. When you squint and look very closely, they are actually flickering but at a really low level. No other LED's appear to be doing this.
Any help/input is appreciated.