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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring
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    Auckland, New Zealand

    Help fixing non standard stereo loom

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    Hi all,

    So I've got an A4 wagon - Its a Japanese import (where New Zealand gets most of its cars from). Turns out that a number of VW and Audi came dealer fitted with a Clarion navigation headunit. These use the rear amped non-bose speaker/sub set up.

    However as you can see from the pictures, it uses a non standard (albeit audi branded) loom and plugs. Before you ask, the standard connectors are not hidden up under the dash. This is just how it came...

    As nobody, makes an adaptor for this specific assembly. I'm left with two options:
    1) I leave in the clarion can bus and speaker modules, and then decode and hijack the old clarion wiring.
    2) Remove all the wiring and attempt to repin everything into a standard quadlock plug.

    I've never installed a stereo before that utilises can bus - so thats exciting too.
    Any thoughts, insights, wiring diagrams, compassionate hugs, on how to proceed forward?

    Images here:


  2. #2
    Senior Member Two Rings mitchell.'s Avatar
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    Whats wrong with it/what are you trying to do?
    Drive On, Brother!

  3. #3
    Active Member One Ring
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    The current clarion HU is in Japanese - At this rate it might be easier to learn japanese... As there's no language options.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings onedumslack's Avatar
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    My sister is in NZ and has a Honda Odyssey. They just live with the car always talking to them in Japanese and nav saying they're always in the ocean.

  5. #5
    Active Member One Ring
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    Auckland, New Zealand

    Is the can bus code universal - E.g. If the current Clarion can bus decoder unit is sending the ACC, illumination, reverse etc signals to the HU... Can i just rewire those feeds onto an Alpine headunit?

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings Okedokey's Avatar
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    A4 B7 2.0T | HPFP upgrade + FMIC | BSR Stage II + exhaust + HFC | 3.0TFSI Throt. Body | RS4 fuel contr., PRV + S3 inj., G247 + DW300c | GFB DV+| 034 RSB + all arms and mounts | S4 brakes | B12 Bilstein suspension + H&R springs | RNS-E + Polk Audio PA D5000.5 - 4 x DB6502 + DB840DVC sub + Pioneer 10" sub | LEDs throughout | 19" Audi 2015 RS4 rims

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