
I am developing a GPS tracker that does not use a GSM SIM card but instead uses open Wi-Fi hotspots from coffee shops, gas stations, busses, taxicabs, etc. that are just everywhere these days. The main application is tracking the vehicle in case it is stolen, but it has many other uses, like tracking your car when you lend it to someone. This type of tracker cannot track the vehicle in real time, but it does not have any monthly bills and it works everywhere in the world. It can also be configured to connect to up to six secured Wi-Fi hotspots.

The tracker itself is very small and it can be installed almost anywhere. Its power consumption is in line with your typical car alarm and it will not drain the battery.

If you would like to be a tester you will receive the tracker free of charge and you will have no further obligations. Also you have my assurance that there will not be a breaking change that will make your tracker useless and you will never be asked to pay a fee of any kind. You will also get access to a website where you can monitor your car. For a preview of the site you can login using the following account:

URL: https://www.wifi-tracker.net/my/Account/Login
Username: [email protected]
Password: Demo1234

Currently there are 10 testers, most of them are in Sofia, Bulgaria. I am looking for about 20 more in different locations all over the world.

Please send me a personal message if you are interested or have any questions.