Hey guys, i'm going through an engine overhaul here in the next 4-5 weeks and figured id post an add looking for some of the things ill end up purchasing new that don't necessarily need to be new.
Possible used items
-The largest most costly item is the exhaust. I'm looking for a 2.5" non-resonated exhaust that is of the dual-tip B7 nature.
Possible new unused items?
timing chain kit
intake spacers
jhm mid headers w/dps (maybe you bought them and never put them on?)
light-weight flywheel/clutch
oil check-valve kit
motor mounts (solid mounts only)
starter - unused only
light-weight crank pully
Just a feeler, a lot of these parts will fall off this list today or tomorrow as i'm putting through an order for the exhaust tomorrow (longest lead time item). A few other things, most things in fact, will fall off this list. But hey if you're out there and you see this we both win :)