Hey Audizine,
I was curious being a rarely new S4 owner and first time having a supercharged vehicle if any of you have tried Torco or some kind of fuel additive. Being previously from Alaska we only had 90oct and a lot of us liked running a more aggressive tune, 93 oct. So a lot of us used Torco and it accomplished it's purpose. Best bang for the buc.
I owned an Sti, Evo, Rs6 and GT-R and I could definitely tell the difference. Got rid of knock and allowed me to run my 93 tune efficiently. Here in WA we only have 92 oct, but the tuner I'm with said I should be fine running it in on my 93 tuned car.
So my questions are, is their a way to tell if I'm knocking? Do you think I'll feel a difference in running a 92 to 93 octane? Any experience with Torco or other fuel additives.