Ok here's the story, all of the door latches worked perfectly, when I opened the door the light would work and the dash would show the door was open. Then one cold morning after raining and snowing all night I went to open the door to start and warm up the car before heading to work. The driver door was frozen shut so I went to the passenger side same thing, however it did open a tiny bit but not enough to open it the handle snapped back down. I tried again and with a little force the door opened. After starting the car and shutting the door I went back inside to pack my lunch then back to the car to leave for work. While driving I noticed the dome light was on but no warning on the dash showing a door open. I turn off the dome lights via the switch and they go off. Later after work I turn the lights back to the door position and they stay off and work as they should. The next morning I leave and I notice the dome lights coming on then going off while driving. It did this for a few days then it stopped. I thought all was ok till one day after unlocking the doors with the keyfob and opening the passenger side door and the dome light going off and the doors locking with the door open. The dash does not acknowledge the door. Is there a switch inside the latch that I can check? Also how hard is it to pull out the door latch? Is there a way to check it via vagcom? I don't have vagcom but I have the xtool so if it can be checked what area would I check?
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