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  1. #1
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    AZ Member #

    Do these o2 voltages look right?

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    Long story short, I'm trying to figure out a misfire I'm having and, while unlikely, I'm checking my cats.
    Bank 1 Sensor 2 looks way low, though it does look constant, so I'm confused.

    Time	B1S1	B1S2	B2S1	B2S2
    0	0.72	0.065	0.695	0.665
    0.25	0.695	0.065	0.69	0.665
    0.5	0.625	0.065	0.515	0.665
    0.75	0.365	0.065	0.18	0.665
    1	0.11	0.065	0.665	0.685
    1.26	0.18	0.065	0.695	0.685
    1.51	0.69	0.065	0.725	0.685
    1.76	0.71	0.065	0.65	0.685
    2.01	0.69	0.065	0.15	0.685
    2.26	0.55	0.065	0.12	0.685
    2.51	0.095	0.065	0.235	0.685
    2.76	0.14	0.065	0.72	0.685
    3.01	0.71	0.065	0.76	0.685
    3.26	0.735	0.065	0.735	0.665
    3.51	0.725	0.065	0.44	0.665
    3.76	0.675	0.065	0.365	0.665
    4.01	0.17	0.065	0.115	0.685
    4.26	0.08	0.085	0.115	0.705
    4.51	0.075	0.085	0.12	0.705
    4.76	0.085	0.065	0.215	0.705
    5.01	0.095	0.065	0.11	0.685
    5.26	0.1	0.065	0.195	0.685
    5.52	0.135	0.065	0.68	0.685
    5.78	0.555	0.065	0.685	0.665
    6.04	0.145	0.065	0.585	0.665
    6.29	0.11	0.065	0.125	0.665
    6.55	0.105	0.065	0.105	0.665
    6.8	0.095	0.065	0.13	0.665
    7.05	0.105	0.065	0.15	0.665
    7.3	0.12	0.065	0.565	0.665
    7.55	0.69	0.065	0.745	0.665
    7.8	0.74	0.065	0.735	0.665
    8.05	0.73	0.065	0.68	0.665
    8.3	0.705	0.065	0.6	0.665
    8.55	0.71	0.065	0.66	0.665
    8.8	0.68	0.085	0.62	0.685
    9.06	0.145	0.085	0.345	0.685
    9.31	0.08	0.085	0.1	0.685
    9.56	0.075	0.065	0.1	0.685
    9.81	0.08	0.045	0.085	0.685
    10.06	0.075	0.045	0.09	0.665
    10.31	0.255	0.045	0.65	0.665
    10.56	0.735	0.045	0.75	0.65
    10.81	0.74	0.045	0.745	0.65
    11.06	0.745	0.045	0.75	0.65
    11.31	0.745	0.045	0.73	0.665
    11.56	0.755	0.045	0.745	0.685
    11.81	0.725	0.045	0.7	0.705
    12.06	0.665	0.045	0.365	0.705
    12.31	0.17	0.045	0.205	0.725
    12.56	0.12	0.045	0.7	0.705
    12.81	0.305	0.045	0.715	0.685
    13.07	0.74	0.045	0.595	0.685
    13.32	0.59	0.045	0.09	0.705
    13.57	0.095	0.045	0.105	0.685
    13.82	0.1	0.045	0.115	0.685
    14.07	0.71	0.045	0.745	0.665
    14.32	0.745	0.045	0.77	0.665
    14.57	0.11	0.045	0.135	0.685
    14.82	0.14	0.045	0.13	0.705
    15.07	0.72	0.045	0.675	0.705
    15.32	0.72	0.045	0.73	0.685
    15.57	0.095	0.045	0.4	0.685
    15.82	0.075	0.045	0.085	0.685
    16.07	0.19	0.03	0.105	0.685
    16.32	0.73	0.03	0.735	0.665
    16.58	0.635	0.03	0.715	0.665
    16.83	0.09	0.045	0.105	0.665
    17.08	0.09	0.045	0.095	0.665
    17.33	0.26	0.03	0.27	0.665
    17.58	0.745	0.03	0.72	0.665
    17.83	0.665	0.03	0.675	0.665
    18.08	0.09	0.045	0.085	0.665
    18.33	0.1	0.045	0.1	0.665
    18.58	0.685	0.03	0.3	0.665
    18.83	0.675	0.03	0.685	0.65
    19.08	0.1	0.045	0.49	0.65
    19.33	0.175	0.045	0.125	0.65
    19.58	0.715	0.03	0.12	0.65
    19.83	0.125	0.045	0.385	0.65
    20.08	0.08	0.045	0.75	0.65
    20.34	0.15	0.03	0.745	0.65
    20.59	0.725	0.03	0.715	0.665
    20.84	0.585	0.03	0.09	0.685
    21.09	0.075	0.045	0.075	0.685
    21.34	0.085	0.03	0.1	0.665
    21.59	0.6	0.03	0.595	0.665
    21.84	0.745	0.03	0.755	0.65
    22.09	0.665	0.045	0.665	0.65
    22.34	0.08	0.045	0.1	0.65
    22.59	0.09	0.045	0.085	0.665
    22.84	0.695	0.03	0.28	0.65
    23.09	0.745	0.03	0.76	0.65
    23.34	0.7	0.045	0.715	0.65
    23.59	0.45	0.045	0.585	0.65
    23.84	0.07	0.045	0.085	0.665
    24.09	0.08	0.045	0.08	0.665
    24.35	0.125	0.03	0.09	0.65
    24.6	0.705	0.03	0.15	0.65
    24.85	0.415	0.045	0.355	0.63
    25.1	0.085	0.045	0.745	0.63
    25.35	0.085	0.045	0.63	0.65
    25.6	0.23	0.03	0.095	0.65
    25.85	0.655	0.045	0.09	0.65
    26.1	0.705	0.045	0.115	0.65
    26.35	0.735	0.045	0.765	0.63
    26.6	0.35	0.045	0.71	0.63
    26.85	0.065	0.045	0.085	0.65
    27.1	0.085	0.045	0.09	0.65
    27.36	0.69	0.045	0.69	0.65
    27.61	0.725	0.045	0.715	0.63
    27.86	0.705	0.045	0.565	0.65
    28.11	0.645	0.065	0.125	0.65
    28.36	0.095	0.065	0.6	0.63
    28.61	0.105	0.065	0.735	0.63
    28.86	0.545	0.045	0.125	0.65
    29.11	0.73	0.045	0.115	0.65
    29.36	0.635	0.065	0.735	0.63
    29.61	0.08	0.065	0.49	0.63
    29.86	0.105	0.065	0.08	0.65
    30.11	0.69	0.045	0.13	0.63
    30.36	0.715	0.065	0.705	0.61
    30.61	0.15	0.065	0.14	0.63
    30.86	0.125	0.065	0.115	0.63
    31.11	0.675	0.065	0.305	0.61
    31.36	0.755	0.065	0.76	0.61
    31.61	0.68	0.065	0.71	0.63
    31.87	0.11	0.065	0.145	0.65
    32.12	0.08	0.065	0.08	0.63
    32.37	0.085	0.065	0.09	0.63
    32.62	0.735	0.045	0.745	0.61
    32.87	0.535	0.065	0.605	0.61
    33.12	0.09	0.065	0.09	0.63
    33.37	0.21	0.065	0.16	0.63
    33.62	0.745	0.065	0.735	0.61
    33.87	0.425	0.065	0.56	0.63
    34.12	0.15	0.065	0.1	0.63
    34.37	0.69	0.065	0.085	0.63
    34.61	0.16	0.065	0.09	0.61
    34.87	0.095	0.065	0.61	0.61
    35.12	0.755	0.045	0.785	0.59
    35.38	0.715	0.065	0.73	0.63
    35.63	0.085	0.085	0.1	0.705
    35.88	0.165	0.065	0.14	0.685
    36.13	0.74	0.045	0.725	0.665

    Handy dandy graph:
    (ignore the weird title, not sure why google didn't include 'B1S2' in there even though it's clearly there)

    I've got an infrared temp gun to try out too but I can't figure out where the hell to shoot it. Nor what the temp should be when I do (first attempt read temps all over the place)

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings Wrath And Tears's Avatar
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    For measuring temps you want to gun precat and post cat and compare the temps. I think if it is clogged the precat temp will be..... shit I really can't remember.

    Here you go:
    2017 MK7 CSGM GTI Sport DSG
    PP (Golf R Brakes, +10HP, VAQ LSD), LP, Kessey
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by aa1car
    In many late-model engines with multipoint fuel injection, combustion is so clean that the converter has little to do and the difference between the inlet and outlet temperature may only be 30 degrees F at 2,500 rpm - which is a lot less than the old rule of thumb that says a good converter should show at least a 100 degree F difference fore and aft at cruise. At idle, the converter in many late-model vehicles may cool off so much that there's almost no measurable difference in fore and aft temperatures. So checking exhaust temperatures fore and aft of the converter at idle and 2,500 rpm is NOT an accurate way to determine if the converter is working properly or not.


    If the outlet temperature is a lot hotter (more than 500 degrees F) than the inlet temperature, it indicates unburned fuel in the exhaust. The most likely cause would be ignition misfire (fouled spark plug, shorted or open plug wire, cracked distributor cap, arcing rotor or weak coil), or a compression leak (burned exhaust valve). But other causes may include lean misfire (check for vacuum leaks, leaky EGR valve, low fuel pressure or dirty injectors). A single misfiring spark plug can cause an increase in HC emissions of 2,500 or more parts per million, which can push the converter's operating temperature well above its normal range.
    could have a misfire huh? gee thanks aa1car...
    maybe the thermo gun wasn't the best choice of diagnosis? Should I look into the backpressure through the pre-cat o2 sensor hole?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Three Rings bmos's Avatar
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    If the cat is clogged, a backpressure gauge is the proper testing tool.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Two Rings
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    Fair enough. Too bad cause the thermo gun is so much cooler.

    I'm having trouble finding a back pressure gauge to rent though, and I have no extra o2 sensors to make my own.

    Any ideas why the post-cat o2 from bank 1 would throw those low voltages though?

    Also, any idea what would happen to my driving if I removed the o2 sensor(s) entirely to relieve the exhaust of pressure as a test? If it's a pressure problem it may run better but with no info from the o2's would it just go into 'open-loop' and I wouldn't get any useful information anyway?


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