So I changed my alternator last night and drained the system to get the hose out of the way. Put everything back and now I'm trying to bleed the system and it's not bleeding. I've seen numerous threads saying the heater core bleeder hole(which I do not have) so I pulled the hose back just enough for the hole to be on the edge to let out what ever is needed. Left the car running with the heat on full blast on the highest temperature and nothing. Had it that way for about 20 minutes, maybe a little more. Steam started to come out but no coolant and heat would get a little warm when I would Rev it and get cold again at idle. Did I just not wait enough or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So far I've tried
Squeezing the hose.
Lifting the reservoir higher than the rest of the system
Cap off.
Cap on
Heater core hole exposed
Hoke blocked off.