One of the first irritating things i noticed about my new to me A4 was the constant noise like solenoid continually firing under the hood . I quickly noticed it was the elbow on the brake booster line as it leaves the back of the engine . I noticed two things about it ..
1. it was rattling like a SOAB
2. it was leaking vacuum as i could hear the hiss .
temporarily i crimped that ridiculous one shot clamp and it immediately noticed the hissing stopped. But i did notice something else .. the connection it fastens to kind of rattles around as it goes inside an aluminum housing. I am not sure if it supposed to be like that but it doesn't come out. I think if i force the rubber tube further on and crimp it may reduce the rattling but thought i would ask .. is this normal or is something broken further inside i need to address ?
Thanks in advance.