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    Subwoofer upgrade with Amp and LOC

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    Hello All,

    I finally decided to improve the acoustics and sub on my 2015 S4. Some of you may already know that the B&O, whilst it is a nice improvement over the basic audi system, it just seems to lack a bit of imaging and the depth that low bass frequencies can add to the music.

    Not having done the audio system in my last car, i felt a bit out of touch with what was available, so i visited a few audio shops to get an idea on what was new on the market and gather some opinions some installers. Most recommendations were to just use a sealed box with a 12" sub... hmmm.... My idea was always to replace the existing sub and use the original sub cut out, but everyone just kept saying, it's too hard and you wont get the results.. An audio shop even when to the extend of recommending to upgrade all my speakers to VW specific Focals 165V on all doors. Now his caught my attention for the first few minutes, due the the fact that the VW focals looked like plug and play items. However the reality is that it would end up being a big waste of money, considering that the existing B&O speakers provide enough brightness and clarity IMHO... even if the magnets and voice coils in the B&Os look ordinary.

    Add to that, the fact that none of the shops gave that peace of mind that i was seeking, in that they would be careful and meticulous whilst doing the work. In the end, I felt hesitant in handing over the keys to someone to pull apart my beloved toy and poke its little wires, So i decided to do the work myself!...

    I already had an Amp from a previous system sitting around, so all i needed was to find the right SQ sub to match it.

    and so.. i settled for the following items:

    Alpine MRV-M1005 - 1000wrms @ 2 ohm
    Morel Ultimo Ti 10" 2 ohm version with 1000wrms (Single Voice Coil)
    Audio Control LC2i with the optional remote
    20mm MDF board
    a Stinger 4 gauge 1500 watt amp kit
    and Car Builders Sound Deadener - 40sq/f in 500x300x2.0 sheets

    Pry Tool kit
    Torx T25 driver
    Socket set (if you want to remove the rear seat belts like i did)

    The first thing i did, was to remove all the door trims one by one and apply sound deadener on the back of the outer skin and on the face of the inner skin as such:

    Make sure that you're careful when pulling the trim off once all the torx screws have been removed, apply even and gradual pulling pressure on the edge of the door trim and work your way around so not to break any of the clips. I'm sure there are plenty of posts on how to remove the door trims so i wont cover it here. Even though i thought it would be difficult, it's actually quite straight forward and not that hard at all.

    The next thing i did was to remove the rear seat bench, seat belts, rear window side trims and rear shelf. I also removed the side side airbags seat cushions which are held down by a single torx screw. If you do this, make sure you disconnect at least the negative terminal from your battery, otherwise when you reconnect them you will need to reset the fault light shown on the dash via your VAG cable. This is also done to avoid setting them off by accident as a small short in current can trip the airbag.. so take precautions and disconnect your battery. I did this to run cables behind one of the side airbag. And so... The next step was to put sound deadener in the boot/trunk and rear shelf

    the boot lid

    Once i was done with the sound deadening i moved on to cut a piece of 20mm MDF to fit in the recessed area of the shelf... i like mounting all my speakers on the thickest possible MDF so that it sits properly. It also helps with less vibrations and at the same time, i wanted to brace the metal, again just to avoid vibrations as a good powerful sub will definitely cause some metal flexing. From experience, timber has also stop the flexing

    now...the sticker i applied to the board simply because it was supplied with sub and it would have ended in the rubbish'd never see it. I also added UV resistant marine grade varnish Lol..just because i had a spare spray can sitting around in the garage, but i don't think it will do anything nor was it needed :P.. I also did a cut out on the MDF for the trunk light and one for the shelf plastic support bracket (not in the pic). I also made my own supports out of timber to hold down the shelf trim, since the B&O sub actually had a plastic surround that held the trim down in place. You can see the timber supports in the photo below along with a metal bracket i made and run across to both supports to hold the shelf trim down and avoid rattles. I re-utilized two of the sub torx screws on the metal plate to hold the trim down.

    In the photo, you will also notice that i had to cut out a tad bit off the shelf so that any excursion from the subwoofer did not touch or rub against the shelf trim - i then manually moved the cone up and down to test for contact.. all clear!..

    i also used 8 bolts to hold the MDF down as you can see in the pic and drilled new holes.. well i had no choice

    This is how the sub hangs, which is great as it does't eat into the boot space at all

    The next step was to find a place for the LC2i remote. I couldn't settle for a spot, specially since it had it's own metal bracket and i wanted it to look OEM... so i decided to remove the controller from the supplied bracket... sourced an Audi Q7 MMI volume button and decided to mount it on the cabin light console. I had to modify the back of the Q7 knob to replace the original one, simple and quick process with a dremel tool.... I measured the hole on the original remote bracket, located the suitable drill bit and carefully drilled a hole for it right next to the hands free microphones.. I obviously removed the light console out of the car to do this.. this is the end result:

    Personally i think it looks great and it looks like the car came with it...

    I then run the wires for the controller on the side of the roof and out the back.. The next step was the LOC (LC2i)!. With the left over MDF i actually made a bracket for the LC2i and glued right next to the spare tyre. I didn't want to drill any more holes than what i already had done on the shelf to hold the MDF board, so i used construction adhesive and left it overnight to dry. The following morning I tried to move it and that thing isn't going anywhere!.. so my plan worked. I'm sure if i pushed it with enough force it could be removed with no traces or holes. this is the result

    You can easily see in the photo where i run the wires. For the speaker level input i used the White&Yellow (positive) and Blue and Yellow (Negative) out of the audi amplifier loom connector. Make sure that you use the wires coming away from the amp and not coming from the direction of the head unit, if that makes sense.. I did it from the head unit direction at first by error and I didn't get any signal... so I then moved the speaker inputs cables to the wires coming out of the amp connection or from the direction of the B&O amp and that worked well. The LC2i has an GTO Selector which allows the LC2i to be turned on by the speaker signal... DON'T BOTHER with this seriously!!.. get a proper switched 12v power cable run from the cigarette lighter behind the center console. If you just rely on the speaker signal from the B&O amp and then run the remote wire out from the LC2i to your amp, the LC2i will just flicker on and off as the sub frequencies come on and off...:/... the signal wont even be strong enough to power your own amp and you may only hear you sub come on at high volume.. so just run a proper switched 12V supply into the LC2i (remote in). Unfortunately in the B8.5 there is no switched power in the boot/truck so the closest i found and without having to pull apart anything is that cigarette lighter .. Don't forget to source a fuse holder with a 1amp fuse for the constant 12V power into the LC2i just for safety. here is where i run mine from

    My amp wasn't small enough to be installed under the B&O amp, so i had to install it behind the rear seat.. It doesn't look too bad and it's being held by four screws. The great thing is that if you remove the screws, you can't even tell there ever were any screws there. The fluffy material behind the seat does a great job at hiding the holes.. you will never know where they are so that works for me.

    Before you put everything back in place, test it and if all is working.. then you can re-install all your trim pieces..

    Hope this helps anyone trying to do this upgrade..

    Overall, i'm absolutely happy with the end result. This morel sub is just incredible in terms of sound.. i have no rattles or squeaky noises AT ALL!!... even when i crank it up.. nothing is vibrating or rattling away and the bass is just incredible and clear!!!!.. The sound deadening behind the original B&O speakers in the doors also gave me noticeably better acoustics and the entire system just sound ahhhmazing!.. Very very very happy with the effort and i highly recommend the sound deadening in the doors before you even think that you may need new speakers. It DOES make a difference in how the system sounds. The only slight rattle i hear is on the outside.. those crappy exhaust shields unfortunately. However, they don't rattle loud enough to make the car sound crap when standing outside.. it's just a slight rattle and I'm not even concerned about it. These only rattle when i crank it up very high past 23 or 24, but anyway i never wanted a system for SPL purposes, and i won't be listening it past 16 or 18.. that's enough for me and i can hear every instrument very well.. I'm a bit of an audiophile and i'm all for Sound Quality. I have attained a dramatic change in SQ as a result, so what else can i say.... Do it!!..haha
    Last edited by ChobeG; 02-24-2016 at 04:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings MrFunk's Avatar
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    Wow - great work! I love where you put the remote!
    I've been meaning to do similar but don't figure I have the time and patience for such a job. How long did it take?

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    too long!... haha... i have a lot of patience yes... but... it all honestly.. i only worked on it at night for a couple of hours starting on a Wednesday night... by Sunday night i had the car mostly finished, but i was also walking away from it a bit to think how to do things. Trying to be extra careful not to scratch or break anything is also where you spend the time..:).

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    i'm shocked you got that sub in the back window.. when i tried to mount my sub i couldn't get the magnet to go pass the glass and you look like your magnet is pretty huge.. anyway.. nice clean work.. how is the LOC? i been thinking about switching mine to that one .. mine isn't as clean
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  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings LurkAllDay's Avatar
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    Wow. Good work sir. You definitely took your time and made a clean install.

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    Awesome job. I wish I had that level of skill and patience.
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  7. #7
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    look very well made. i need to do sound deadener in the door !

  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings Brother Owl's Avatar
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    Nice install
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    Well done and explained.
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    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiTFSI3o3's Avatar
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    wow great job! sub'd
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    Hey Doug,

    Thanks man... I predrilled the holes for the sub outside and i installed the board first..The sub is heavy and big and the last thing i wanted was to abruptly swing the sub and smash my window or scratch the i practically tilted it and slid it in to place. I placed all screws once in place.

    This LOC is well made and all adjustments controls at the unit itself seemed to apply changes in tonality.. I wouldnt say dramatic changes, but that's what your amp is for. So i did all my adjustments in sound using the amp. Using the LC2I remote control is where you see the dramatic change in sub levels... So i set the knob at the half way mark...great product overall...not sure if there are others like it, but this is the one i found and had great reviews so i went with it.

  12. #12
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    Subwoofer upgrade with Amp and LOC

    Quote Originally Posted by ChobeG View Post
    Hey Doug,

    Thanks man... I predrilled the holes for the sub outside and i installed the board first..The sub is heavy and big and the last thing i wanted was to abruptly swing the sub and smash my window or scratch the i practically tilted it and slid it in to place. I placed all screws once in place.

    This LOC is well made and all adjustments controls at the unit itself seemed to apply changes in tonality.. I wouldnt say dramatic changes, but that's what your amp is for. So i did all my adjustments in sound using the amp. Using the LC2I remote control is where you see the dramatic change in sub levels... So i set the knob at the half way mark...great product overall...not sure if there are others like it, but this is the one i found and had great reviews so i went with it.
    my sub magnet physically couldn't even pass the glass so i ended up with a box.. shortly after i posted this i went and bought the JL Audio Fix 82 to replace my PAC .. my setup sounds good.. but i'm sure it could be a lot cleaner.. hopefully the Fix 82 "fixes" that..

    Sub pic

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    Your sub definitely seems taller than the morel, but in all fairness, anything would make that poor excuse B&O calls a subwoofer look small, even a decent novel book. Lol.. .. the morel has a diameter of 263mm (10.35") and a height of 140.3mm (5.52"), the body of the morel sub didn't exactly fit into the hole and sat about 10mm out.. but then again, i wasn't concerned as i knew i was going to use a 20mm mdf board. .. So nice acquisition with that sub, it sure does look like it will punch out some serious bass notes and it appears that it will have some decent excursion movement, so just double check for clearance once you've got everything in. The signal coming out of the LC2 is definitely clean, but i wish i had seen that JL Audio Fix 82 as i know JL makes some great quality products!...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChobeG View Post
    Your sub definitely seems taller than the morel, but in all fairness, anything would make that poor excuse B&O calls a subwoofer look small, even a decent novel book. Lol.. .. the morel has a diameter of 263mm (10.35") and a height of 140.3mm (5.52"), the body of the morel sub didn't exactly fit into the hole and sat about 10mm out.. but then again, i wasn't concerned as i knew i was going to use a 20mm mdf board. .. So nice acquisition with that sub, it sure does look like it will punch out some serious bass notes and it appears that it will have some decent excursion movement, so just double check for clearance once you've got everything in. The signal coming out of the LC2 is definitely clean, but i wish i had seen that JL Audio Fix 82 as i know JL makes some great quality products!...
    i actually have a pair for Morel Ultimo SC's .. i know they would fit and almost caved and installed them.. i'm anxious for the Fix 82.. we shall see next week
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  15. #15
    Established Member Two Rings Tod's Avatar
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    Looks like a IDMAX? Amazing sub, great SQL. I was in between the maxx, idq, havoc and a few others. Went against my better judgment and decided to give 2 SA-12 a shot.

    Op awesome install sir. Well done, obviously a audio freak if you are throwing in the money for Morel. What kinda deadner did you use? I was in between the L2 and LC7I. I went with the 7. I thought the turn on would be enough from the unit but I appreciate the heads up. I'll just run a switch to the back. Won't take longer than 5 mins.

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    Established Member Two Rings Tod's Avatar
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    Sorry op just reread the build. Got my info!

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    installed the Fix-82 ... much much cleaner than the PAC ... the one thing so far i don't like is that it doesn't increase or decrease with the OEM volume .. so you pretty much have to turn the sub down by the bass knob.. also once you calibrate it that's the volume you stay at.. the instructions suggest putting the radio at 75% volume then calibrating ... unfortunately i turned it up a little and it maybe too loud .. i will have to re-calibrate it at the standard Audi OEM volume and then use my bass knob to adjust the volume.. but so far it sounds amazing
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    Awesome build OP. Good work with the install and very clean work.

    Doug, Where did you source the fix 82?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalB85 View Post
    Awesome build OP. Good work with the install and very clean work.

    Doug, Where did you source the fix 82?
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    Love the install you can really see your skills and patience on display. Just a couple of quick questions for ya. You wouldn't have any pics of the connections at the battery, I know there was lots of discussions in prior threads about where to actually tap the power due to the battery monitor circuit in our cars. Also where/how did you choose to ground the amp? I guess I haven't been in my back seat yet but we have a lighter in the back console? Thanks for the tip on the switched 12V location, I had been planning to just try to run the auto detect on my lc2. I don't know why but I've done stereos in pretty much every car I've ever owned but this one has me so nervous to even start, I've got everything to begine but keep avoiding it. Ha, I guess its time to man up and start this weekend. Thanks for the great write up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by KnightR View Post
    Love the install you can really see your skills and patience on display. Just a couple of quick questions for ya. You wouldn't have any pics of the connections at the battery, I know there was lots of discussions in prior threads about where to actually tap the power due to the battery monitor circuit in our cars. Also where/how did you choose to ground the amp? I guess I haven't been in my back seat yet but we have a lighter in the back console? Thanks for the tip on the switched 12V location, I had been planning to just try to run the auto detect on my lc2. I don't know why but I've done stereos in pretty much every car I've ever owned but this one has me so nervous to even start, I've got everything to begine but keep avoiding it. Ha, I guess its time to man up and start this weekend. Thanks for the great write up.
    not the OP but i can answer a few questions

    nothing wrong with tapping into the battery with 0-4 awg wire .. just ensure you use the appropriate fuse for your amp

    ground anywhere to the body of the car

    for the switched outlet not need to run back to the cabin .. if you have a B8 you can connect to the red rows to the fuse in the trunk.. if you have a B8.5 .. let me know i can show you a relay to tap into.. i've been using for 6 months.. no issues ..

    the auto detect on your Lc2 will not work.. others have tried.. its not enough power to turn on an external amplifier

    i took 3 days to do a 350z from back to front.. through firewall.. replacing door speaker wires .. you name it... this shouldn't take you more than 1 hr tops.. its very easy
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalB85 View Post
    Awesome build OP. Good work with the install and very clean work.

    Doug, Where did you source the fix 82?
    If you only want to add a Sub on .. don't run the Fix 82 .. . it needs a full range signal to calibrate and will not run off the subwoofer wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by doug97gxe View Post
    not the OP but i can answer a few questions

    nothing wrong with tapping into the battery with 0-4 awg wire .. just ensure you use the appropriate fuse for your amp

    ground anywhere to the body of the car

    for the switched outlet not need to run back to the cabin .. if you have a B8 you can connect to the red rows to the fuse in the trunk.. if you have a B8.5 .. let me know i can show you a relay to tap into.. i've been using for 6 months.. no issues ..

    the auto detect on your Lc2 will not work.. others have tried.. its not enough power to turn on an external amplifier

    i took 3 days to do a 350z from back to front.. through firewall.. replacing door speaker wires .. you name it... this shouldn't take you more than 1 hr tops.. its very easy

    Thanks for Answering Doug... I normally don't log in as often.. But yes, you can just tap into the positive terminal using any of the existing screws on the terminal to hold your wire lug down. I used the fuse supplied on the kit which was rated for Amps up to 1500watts rms. I think its was 30amp fuse. I'm running 1000watts rms into a 2 ohm load. After i did my connections to the cigarette lighter at the back of the centre console, i did notice here that others have tapped into a relay located in the back, but to be honest, in my opinion, i rather play with a cheap cigarette lighter than potentially put an extra load on a relay.. it may be perfectly safe but that's just me!..:P... i didn't find the routing of the wire hard anyhow as i already had the back seat out. For my earth, since i installed the amp behind the seat, I just did a short run to the seat belt bolt. I did make sure that my lug touched bare metal so i used a dremmel bit to remove just enough paint for the lug to make contact. As Doug said.. don't even bother with the auto detect feature, I tried it and it didn't work. Best of luck with the install and yeah i was a bit scared, but once you have everything apart it's no big deal, it's actually easier to work on these cars as everything is better built than other cars, so less likely to break parts. :)

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    Great work on the install! Adding sound deadener to the doors is a great idea and most wouldn't have gone this far. I was considering going the same route of dropping the sub in the OEM location but I needed the space as I put work boxes that fit perfectly in the trunk.

    I'm sure you've just inspired a few people thinking about adding a sub to their Audi.
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  25. #25
    Looks great man. The only thing I would change is to mount the amp on a carpeted board on the trunk roof next to the sub. Then when you open your trunk, you won't see a thing.

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    And where he has his sub control, I have Homelink so the coin holder will have to be sacrificed.
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    Yeah i thought about that... but you cant see the amp where it is...unless of course you bend down to see into the boot....:)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arn560 View Post
    And where he has his sub control, I have Homelink so the coin holder will have to be sacrificed.
    I placed the sub control on the roof... right next to the cabin lights.. i think i posted a pic :)

    I replaced the original knob with an audi MMi knob from a Q7

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    wanted to bump this thread since I did this a few hours ago.

    when wiring up the LOC to the positive and negative leads off the B&O amp, the blue/yellow and white/yellow wires off the amp, I've seen some members cut these wires completely while others have spliced or tapped them. which is preferred?
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    Quote Originally Posted by AudiTFSI3o3 View Post
    wanted to bump this thread since I did this a few hours ago.

    when wiring up the LOC to the positive and negative leads off the B&O amp, the blue/yellow and white/yellow wires off the amp, I've seen some members cut these wires completely while others have spliced or tapped them. which is preferred?
    i cut mine.. but splicing is the best way
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    Quote Originally Posted by doug97gxe View Post
    not the OP but i can answer a few questions

    nothing wrong with tapping into the battery with 0-4 awg wire .. just ensure you use the appropriate fuse for your amp

    ground anywhere to the body of the car

    for the switched outlet not need to run back to the cabin .. if you have a B8 you can connect to the red rows to the fuse in the trunk.. if you have a B8.5 .. let me know i can show you a relay to tap into.. i've been using for 6 months.. no issues ..

    the auto detect on your Lc2 will not work.. others have tried.. its not enough power to turn on an external amplifier

    i took 3 days to do a 350z from back to front.. through firewall.. replacing door speaker wires .. you name it... this shouldn't take you more than 1 hr tops.. its very easy
    I do have a b8.5, what relay did you tap into? Should be tackling the install this week sometime I've moved all the components out of the cubby locations finally. So just waiting on the amp install.

  32. #32
    I didn't use the relay in the back, but just used a switched fuse in the front fuse box that's exposed when you open the driver door. The wire you use can be so small, it should be easy to run it under the door molding/sills.

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    How much are you guys spending on the deadning material? I've wanted to do this for some time and soundproof the cabin but
    its ridiculously expensive everywhere I look. Anyone know of a good deal?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spenceratc7 View Post
    How much are you guys spending on the deadning material? I've wanted to do this for some time and soundproof the cabin but
    its ridiculously expensive everywhere I look. Anyone know of a good deal?
    I bought some stinger road kill for my trunk lid when I put in my sub. For 25 bucks I got a roller and 4 sq ft which was more than enough. I was a total noob at installing this too so prob could have saved more.
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    I spent about about $198 Australian dollars... but then again everything is expensive in Australia.. Lol.. whilst people in the USA pay $64k on a brand new S4... here in Australia we're paying 122k for a brand new car with the same options!.. :/

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    Quote Originally Posted by ChobeG View Post
    I spent about about $198 Australian dollars... but then again everything is expensive in Australia.. Lol.. whilst people in the USA pay $64k on a brand new S4... here in Australia we're paying 122k for a brand new car with the same options!.. :/
    Yeah, but you probally make like 1mil in AUS dollars. LOL
    Life has taught me never try to make something idiot proof, they'll simply come up with a better idiot.
    I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.
    I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain this to you properly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by KnightR View Post
    I do have a b8.5, what relay did you tap into? Should be tackling the install this week sometime I've moved all the components out of the cubby locations finally. So just waiting on the amp install.

    here you go

    Quote Originally Posted by doug97gxe View Post
    Finally got my ID Max in.. The directions for the turn on lead was for a B8.. There is no red row for the B8.5 all the rows in the truck were live .. Ended up tapping a relay

    I first fired her up I had my amp on 5 from my prior car wow the bass blew me away .. Currently running it at 3 and I turned the bass down in the mmi to 1/4

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    So I've been planning on doing one of these upgrades myself and have been wondering about tapping into the lead for the stock sub post-amp. My question is, since that line is the live, post processed signal for the speaker, wouldn't it's signal been restricted to a specific range that would only ideal for specific specifications of subs? Already mentioned was the fact that one of the LOC's features of auto-calibrating did not function due to the fact that the signal is only a low range and not full signal indicating to me a passover pre-stock-sub. Any thoughts on the matter? And sorry if this has been gone over in one of the many threads on this topic, I just haven't seen it and I've been looking.

  39. #39
    My question is, since that line is the live, post processed signal for the speaker, wouldn't it's signal been restricted to a specific range that would only ideal for specific specifications of subs?
    That is correct. I have found the low pass cutoff to be too low, where you tend to lose some of your bass line - I would guess around 80Hz or so. If you don't like the spectrum that's sent to the sub, there's a couple options:
    1. tap into the mid bass door signal also, send that to the LOC with the sub signal, and then use your amp crossover to cut it wherever you like.
    2. If you don't have nav, apparently there's some straight line outs from the head unit you can utilize. Check out Slacktide's thread in the A4 forums for more on that.

    Already mentioned was the fact that one of the LOC's features of auto-calibrating did not function due to the fact that the signal is only a low range and not full signal indicating to me a passover pre-stock-sub.
    By auto calibrating, do you mean auto-turn on? If so, yes, the signal is already low-passed by the time it gets to the sub.

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    OP, you said you used 40sq feet of deadener. How many were used for the door ? Would you say 5 sq feet per door is enought to seal the outer door and apply some to the inside too ?

    I already have about 10 sq feet for my rear deck, but never thought about doing the door so i want to buy some but won't be doing any other project lolll so would rather order the right quantity with little left over ! thanks a lot !

    Seems like 20 sq feet for the 4 doors sound right, but unsure if this will allow to do the outer and inter door.


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