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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring Nidjosaur's Avatar
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    Fuel gauge reverse/instrument cluster was changed

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    Hi all,

    I have a 03/2002 A4 B6 2.5tdi(not quattro) and exchanged my cluster with a color one because the red display on my old cluster stopped working. The new cluster part number - 8E0 920 930 GX (manufactured 02/2001.)
    Everything was coded easily and with no problems but the fuel gauge shows opposite fuel capacity. When its full it shows empty and when it is empty it show a little bit more than half a tank.
    In the course of one year that i am trying to solve this problem i learned that Audi changed fuel level sending unit's resistance to opposite than it was. This was done sometime in 2002.
    I tried to buy an older sensor but then realised that i have the oldest one. 8E0 919 673 AH. My original sensor shows ~300ohms empty and ~50ohms full tank.
    I simply can not find the sensor that would fit my new cluster, can anyone try to offer me a solution for this problem i would be more than thankfull! If you need any more information or any idea, please say something because i am already losing all hope.
    Sorry if my english is bad, i am from Croatia.

    Thank you very much! :)

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings rollerton's Avatar
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    The fuel 'gauge' in the instrument cluster is it's own little module. It can be removed from your old cluster, and installed into your new one with the proper faceplate / overlay (from the new cluster) installed if it's any different.
    That's what I'd do anyway.

    If you've installed a cluster that is from a NEWER car, why can you not find a matching sensor? There's a date-code on the cluster that says when it was manufactured, simply look at it and buy a fuel tank sender that is for an A4 from that year.
    Or am I missing something?
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  3. #3
    Active Member One Ring Nidjosaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rollerton View Post
    The fuel 'gauge' in the instrument cluster is it's own little module. It can be removed from your old cluster, and installed into your new one with the proper faceplate / overlay (from the new cluster) installed if it's any different.
    That's what I'd do anyway.

    If you've installed a cluster that is from a NEWER car, why can you not find a matching sensor? There's a date-code on the cluster that says when it was manufactured, simply look at it and buy a fuel tank sender that is for an A4 from that year.
    Or am I missing something?
    Wow, never heard of swaping the fuel gauge module. I like it when new ideas come to mind!!! Thanks a lot. Does that mean to swap the whole gauge with pointer and all? They are completly identical. Or can i just swap the chip?

    The problem with the sensor is that my audi 2.5tdi(not quattro) has the same sensor through the years(from 2001-2005). I live next to the Audi dealer and know them all there, we checked everything possible. There is only that one 8E0919673AH. Others are from quattro vehicles etc..

  4. #4
    Senior Member Two Rings mpower's Avatar
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    Fuel gauge motor is controlled via cluster software. You can check what the cluster is seeing (resistance and fuel level in liters). Make sure the new cluster is coded properly in "soft code". If coded for Quattro, re code to FWD. This is most likely your problem. Also, there are fuel trim values in Adaptation Channels 29-33. When changing the cluster, you should copy the Adaptation values over. This is most likely not the core of your problem, but I would do this as well if you still have the old cluster.

  5. #5
    Active Member One Ring Nidjosaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpower View Post
    Fuel gauge motor is controlled via cluster software. You can check what the cluster is seeing (resistance and fuel level in liters). Make sure the new cluster is coded properly in "soft code". If coded for Quattro, re code to FWD. This is most likely your problem. Also, there are fuel trim values in Adaptation Channels 29-33. When changing the cluster, you should copy the Adaptation values over. This is most likely not the core of your problem, but I would do this as well if you still have the old cluster.
    When we coded the cluster, we did code it for FWD, but nothing changed. Then put it back and forth to quattro and back, always the same readings. Will the adaptation channes be the old ones once i put the old cluster in? Or how do i read them from the old cluster? I still have it. And we never tried messing with fuel trim values. The problem began when you put some fuel in the tank the pointer goes down, not up as it should so i dont think fuel trim values will make a difference or change the direction of the pointer while adding fuel. Hope this helps you understand, thanks.

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings rollerton's Avatar
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    ^Tom. Tom is still watching us.
    Do what he says for starters. Swap your old cluster back in, verify the fuel gauge reads properly and record all the coding and adaptation values. Then swap in new cluster again and make the values match.
    But, yes, the fuel gauge itself is a separate little module that can be removed. I don't know for sure if that will fix your problem, but it's easy, free and a good place to start.
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    Senior Member Two Rings mpower's Avatar
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    I'm assuming the new cluster is also for TDI? Fuel trims should not make this much of a variance, but you never know. Connect old cluster, read adaptation CH 29-33 and copy over. When you have the old cluster connected read the resistance and liters in Measuring block 02, then compare new cluster.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by rollerton View Post
    ^Tom. Tom is still watching us.
    Do what he says for starters. Swap your old cluster back in, verify the fuel gauge reads properly and record all the coding and adaptation values. Then swap in new cluster again and make the values match.
    But, yes, the fuel gauge itself is a separate little module that can be removed. I don't know for sure if that will fix your problem, but it's easy, free and a good place to start.
    Hi Bob.. I'm still here lurking around once in a while :)

  8. #8
    Active Member One Ring Nidjosaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpower View Post
    I'm assuming the new cluster is also for TDI? Fuel trims should not make this much of a variance, but you never know. Connect old cluster, read adaptation CH 29-33 and copy over. When you have the old cluster connected read the resistance and liters in Measuring block 02, then compare new cluster.

    - - - Updated - - -
    Yes, new cluster is also TDI, everything on it is the same only new cluster has a color diplay. Old one was red. I dont have a VCDS right now but should be getting one in about a day or two. Then i will be able to try this out.

    And i alone dont know how hard it is to swap the clusters? I have secret key codes for both of them. I want to start doing this alone because i have a lot of extra equipment original from Audi that i want to install on my car and i dont want to depend on someone else to code it for me.

  9. #9
    Active Member One Ring Nidjosaur's Avatar
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    mpower, now i found that channel 29 is for a second fuel sending unit on my car and only quattro models have a second sender. maybe there is a value entered in channel 29 and thats why the readout is completly wrong on the cluster. im searching ross-tech site for this info. think you maybe on to something! thanks a lot. ill keep you updated on what happends.

    if none of the coding goes through, ill look up rollerton advice.

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Four Rings rollerton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nidjosaur View Post
    And i alone dont know how hard it is to swap the clusters? I have secret key codes for both of them. .
    Do you mean 'physically' swapping them? Obviously pretty easy; two small recessed screws behind the trim panel directly under the cluster. Then wiggle the cluster out until you can reach the plugs on the back side.

    If you mean the programming, well you might be lucky; from my experience once a cluster is adapted to the car it stays adapted. Meaning your old cluster "should" reinstall and work just like it always did with no programming. That's how it worked for me on both of the B6/A4 Audis I've owned, which I installed color display clusters into. I never read that this was by design or if it just happens, but that was my experience.
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  11. #11
    Active Member One Ring Nidjosaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rollerton View Post
    Do you mean 'physically' swapping them? Obviously pretty easy; two small recessed screws behind the trim panel directly under the cluster. Then wiggle the cluster out until you can reach the plugs on the back side.

    If you mean the programming, well you might be lucky; from my experience once a cluster is adapted to the car it stays adapted. Meaning your old cluster "should" reinstall and work just like it always did with no programming. That's how it worked for me on both of the B6/A4 Audis I've owned, which I installed color display clusters into. I never read that this was by design or if it just happens, but that was my experience.
    No, no problem for the physicall swap, the coding bothered me. When changed, only the mileage will be from the old cluster, right?

  12. #12
    Active Member One Ring Nidjosaur's Avatar
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    I put the old cluster back in, wrote down all the coding and adaptation. Then put back the new cluster, put all the coding and adaptation in with the new cluster. Turned everything off(didnt wait for long though) and turned on again but everything was the same again. Reading wrong fuel level. While the old cluster was in everything worked fine.
    Did i needed to wait longer? Is there a rule there?
    Now i left the old cluster in because of the beauty of a working fuel gauge(and board computer range)! :)
    Please help if you can.

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