Parted ways with my 2011 S4 a couple of months ago...looking to buy a house now and need to get rid of these parts laying around. Buyer pays shipping costs.
Location: Troy and Cincinnati, OH
- Roc Euro Intake (8-10k miles) SOLD
- Eurocode Alukruez SOLD
- 034Motorsport Trans Mount (2-3k miles) SOLD
- Weathertech Front ONLY Digital Fit $75 PENDING
- 18" OEM Wheels (~18k miles) Off of '13 S4 with All Seaons $850
(1 wheel has ~2 inch curb rash) I can provdie more pictures.
- NGK (94460) PFR8S8EG Laser Platinum Spark Plug (Qty 6; never installed and can gap for you) SOLD
- Stratmosphere / RocEuro Short Shifter (NEVER INSTALLED!) $100