Hey all, I bought myself a podi steering wheel pod and a boost gauge to go along with it. The install seemed to go pretty smooth but the gauge won't read any vacuum or boost. I tee'd it at the fuel pressure regulator braided line, where ecs and awe had said, and I drilled a hole through the ecu box for the line to run through. I got the line all the way to the steering wheel, from the t to the ecu there aren't any kinks. As far as I can tell, there aren't any near the fuse box/ steering column. Do you think when I attached the actual podi steering pod, which goes over the oem steering wheel column cover, it might of kinked the vacuum line tubing from where it attaches on the back? It's pretty hard plastic so I'd imagine it could put pressure on the line and taper it off. I'm taking the gauge out on friday when I have some time and hooking it up to an air compressor to make sure the gauge itself is not defective. If any of you have used the podi setup, did you feed the boost line through the same way as I did? Do you see where it could kink? I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I'd apprecaite any advice you guys have to offer.