Any of you guys have any gas stations that have 92 octane? Giant & Wawa are the ones that i seen who carry it. I usually ALWAYS run either 93 Shell, or Exxon in my 2010 S5 4.2L. But every once and a while the fiance will nag me she has $0.90 cents off gas from Giant food store points. Now normally if it were a measly 20 cents id brush it off. But at almost a dollar off per gallon which would bring it from $2.40 per gallon to $1.40 for 92 octane has my attention "at least to run it for 1 tank".
Like i said most places around me have 93 and i always use Shell first if not Exxon, which currently they are about $2.53 a gallon. Obviously i know most places in Cali only have 91, & safe to even run that. But whats your thoughts on running this 92 every month to month and a half or so if i normally always run 93? I am probably overthinking this, hell my car was a California car up until 30k miles. Been in PA since. 2010 69k miles, no rough idle or any "feeling" of carbon build up & pulls hard like it should. Probably overthinking this, but just trying to keep up preventative upkeep with the best gas i can to keep that carbon flowing & that $1,200 carbon clean job in my pocket
Actually just put a small bottle of Redline complete fuel treatment in her last week during my oil change. She runs and purs like new. So whats your thoughts on throwing a tank of 92 for $1.40 per gallon every month and half or so if i normally run Shell/Exxon 93?
I just don't want the carbon gods to ever catch up with me