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Hi Arin, As a satisfied customer I just want to thank you for your awesome product and support thus far. In regards to the known bugs, I like that you guys are being transparent and instrumental in resolving any issues. I was wondering if you could elaborate on the severity of some of these bugs to help me determine urgency of V2.2 upgrade. Thank you.
If you don't have any issue right now, there's no urgency. There isn't anything going on behind the scenes that's dangerous.
Main bugs were two different scenarios that resulted in an EPC light, and one situation where boost was getting capped at a lower limit than prescribed in some scenarios. The code doesn't hurt anything. Basically the ECU says "That value should be different" and throws a light. The way around it some can take is to just set all known limiters sky high, but the limiters are there for a reason. We calibrate the limitation maps to a reasonable level. Sometimes they need to be higher, or something else needs to be more strict. There are several ECU box codes and revisions and I don't believe each bug was on each one, but they are now all fixed, and also include several changes to the underlying code. Those changes change a lot of stuff behind the scenes to make closed loop control of various items more strict and precise. That should result in smoother daily driving, and probably a bunch of stuff you'll never feel. We've also added in the motorsport rev limiter, which in manual mode results in a hard fuel cut at redline, rather than the wimpy soft rev limiter that closes the throttle early, limiting power to redline. This rev limiter is what's used on the RS models, like the R8, RS5, RS7, etc. It can make a pop, so that's probably scarry to the average customer and why it's only avaialble on the RS models. You'll mainly only see this on the 6MT models though. On a DSG, it will only happen if the trans doesn't shift quick enough during wheel spin.