A4 B6 1.8T FWD
-cat back exhaust
-ported head and manifolds
-that's all
So I'm leaning on my car thinkin about how cool Audi drivers are and how great the community of Audizine is...
And then, I'm standing in a puddle of all the gas I just put in my car. It was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life because I take a lot of pride in my car and the way it runs/looks. But I got her home and it now has a hole the size of my fist on the passenger side of the exhaust canal, right where the tank kinda corners and flows down. Thankfully I was able to pull a wheelie all the home so I didn't spill anymore gas that I needed to get me there.
I need help on a decision of a possible patch I could do? Or the best place to pick a tank up? I've called all the junk yards around me and none have Audis
P0301,2,3,4 ()
P0411 & 455 (size is what they mean by large evap leak)
Thank you in advance for any input.