of the two possible ways to do this (that i know), there's actually little to no vagcom required for the update
the most common way is via DVD that you buy from the dealer which can also be found via part number
the other method was getting the map updates in the form of an SD card, which autolaunches when you load it in and press media to get to it
only time you need vagcom is when the memory card doesn't boot up and you have to tweak a setting in the hidden green menu to get it to pick up for the SD card
write times to hdd for the mmi 3g runs between 15-20 minutes , so i suggest to leave car running if you have a low battery
fyi , if you check ebay , you can get it for cheap , i got mine for 200ish , then i flipped it back on ebay for 175 shipped
link is for reference btw, just to show you ball park what the dvd costs
if i recall correctly you can alternatively cut audi out by going direct to navigon or navteq depending on which company is the current supplier , you'll have to do your own footwork from there
but input and advice can be found on internet if you look hard enough