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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings Blue S4's Avatar
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    Sirius / XM wont activate - B7 S4

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    I have a B7 S4 and tried adding the car to my Sirius account (currently have a 2010 Volvo XC70 with their service). On multiple, multiple occasions I have tried going through the entire process of getting the signal activated. I have followed all of the steps required by Sirius, I've spoken to technical support on 10+ occasions, waited hours, days, tried everything. I even found a thread detailing how to add a dummy ESN with them to trick their system, and still nothing. Nothing works.

    I know the car was hooked up with the prior owner because all of the presets are still saved. Sirius advised there is nothing else I can do, it HAS to be a problem with the car/radio which I find very hard to believe. The FM signal reception is ridiculously good, and the factory radio has never had any problems. I'm not taking it to the dealer as they recommend.

    Any suggestions? Anything you can advise that I check, or any procedure I can try to complete? I'm on my last leg and am tired of calling in and dealing with their sub-par customer service.

  2. #2
    Active Member Two Rings arbeiter's Avatar
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    I had to wait a couple days, it still wouldn't activate.. So I logged into my Sirius account, and was able to resend an activation code through that, I did it about 4 or 5 times before it finally saw it.
    Also, I have noticed that I have some "typical" areas in my city where I just don't get reception. It cuts out for minutes at a time, on the same stretches of highway. I think the receiver for the signals are poorly placed, and must not be quality parts as many newer ford and chevy products I've been in do not cut out in those same areas. In addition to that, there is a channel that just won't ever receive no matter where I am. Sirius just gave me a free month for compensation..
    Unsure if that helps... But there it is

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings mtroxel's Avatar
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    Had the same thing with mine. Bought a "new" used Sat radio, then it activated no problem. Sirius was not helpful at all. So it felt good to call them after I tried it for a week and cancel on them.
    11 A4 Q, Prestige, Black
    207,000 miles, APR Stage 1

  4. #4
    Established Member Two Rings Blue S4's Avatar
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    Northern IL

    Just a follow-up to this, I ordered a used replacement Sirius Module to swap out and diagnose. The original unit in the car was part # 8E0-035-593-H (H06). I even checked CAN BUS was in the correct position.

    So I pulled the original, and replaced with one part # 8E0-035-593-D (H03). This one had a spot for both the green and brown antenna, my car only has the green connector. After starting the car, the headunit now says ANTENNA on the radio. No radio ID pulls up on the headunit. I tried activating the Radio ID listed on the unit with Sirius, and obviously nothing.

    Is this the wrong part number? My car has no Nav and no TPMS.

    Anything else to check, or any other ideas before I throw Sirius out the window completely?

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings mtroxel's Avatar
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    Mine was an H03 too. But my car was wired for the blue and green antenna connectors. As I recall, long ago before the merger, XM used only one antenna connector and Sirius the other (or was it the other way around?). I'd bet that're your problem. Before mine would activate, I could at least receive the demo station.

    For what it's worth, I thought it was really worthless. There are far less stations than there used to be, so now they're all just mainstream programing, same as what you pull in through FM.
    11 A4 Q, Prestige, Black
    207,000 miles, APR Stage 1


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