hello folks I am new to this site. I needed to get some advice on my car. I am the second owner on it and I have been good to my Audi. last year the turbo went out and I have had issues with the low pressure engine light coming on. Since then I took it to a well known shop. They started with the pick up tube for sludge and have gone through all the motions to a tune of almost 4k. The light continues to come on and they cant seem to figure it out. the conclusion was the instrument cluster.....well I have been to Audi dealership on this matter and they have ruled out the cluster and wiring. My concern is this.....Is it possible the engine block used to replaced the old one with is also bad? Is there a way I can identify the block to confirm it was switched out. any feedback would be greatly appreciated. At this point im feeling that 4k could have gone to a down payment on a new car.