I am saving up $2,000 towards my B5 A4 1.8TQMAEB but I need help from yall..
What would make my a4 completely mechanically sound?
I don't want to completely do a engine rebuild because by my self it'd be difficult and I wouldn't have much time due to school and it would cost too much for a mechanic.
Also, the cars paint is literally 50 shades of grey (silver lol) So it could do with a paint job of choice. But obviously before doing that, I'd want the car to bemechanically sound, so what do yall suggest I do?
I might take it to a shop for some compression tests but other than that, looking to do a coolant flush, all relay refresh, refresh the coil packs and spark plugs, and maybe a good quality cone filter.
Reason I am asking for help is because I don't have much experience with my car, haven't driven it more than twice lol. So I am asking you guys; what would make me comfortable knowing this car would be sound and strong down the line that I could spend that much on a paint job??