So I had an issue with my MAF sensor connector so I ordered new terminals. I attempted to fix the terminals and ended up messing up. I had to strip the wiring to make room for the new terminals. Now idk how to make the terminals stick on the wires. I know why they won't stick but I'm worried that I cut the wires too short.
What can I do to make the wiring longer? I know ECS has a bunch of electrical wiring repair items but I need advice.
So the wiring is about an inch too short and I need the harness to reach the intake where the MAF sensor is.
I also would like to know how to make it easier to insert the new terminals into the MAF sensor connector. All of this happened because I couldn't push the terminals into the connector and ended up splitting a wire.
I'll add some pictures when I get home and if I'm not making enough sense please let me know so I can clarify.
Thanks guys.