It been a long journey.
Almost ten years ago I picked up an used unmolested A4 from elderly gentlemen in Pennsylvania. 4 year old, 2002 A4 V6 Quattro with famous sport package with almost 50k miles on the clock.
Eventually I was able to rack up miles on this baby, reaching 210k miles before the end. However, each mile was its own adventure. I was able to participate in numerous Waterfests, H20, SoWo, made trips as far north as Canada and as south as Georgia.
On the way, Audi transformed a bit. My brother gave me first LED tails, then came to HID fogs, trunk lip, Thermal Exhaust, B5 S4 brakes, GIAC for 3.Slow, super thick sway bars, and then less fun maintenance and fixing jobs. Thankfully, many I was able to do myself with wonderful guidance that I received here and before on (back when they were fun).
Eventually with car's age, I could no longer hug curves and push the limit . But A4 could always take me to work and back, even while towing my ATV. A truly multitasking car.
I met many amazing people here and in person. The help and the spirit of this forum was one of the reasons why Audi lasted that long. I must say that I am pretty lucky.
With this mileage, I was still on factory springs and only changed remaining suspension components ONCE. Catalytic converters went out, but Audi was gracious enough to pass inspection anyway (thanks Vag-Com!).
So why am I saying good bye?
One young guy figured he will clip my car
Insurance brought the bad news that car is worth significantly less than repairs would cost to fix the damage.
Even though I could buy it back, fix it and keep going. I took it as a cue that it is time for an upgrade.
It is very hard to summarize long decade with this car in a single post. Every moment I remember something great that happened in that time. In the end, that car was signature of my 20s. Friendships changed, girlfriend too, but car stayed the same. Even though I cursed it many times, it (almost) always started at the turn of the key and took me to destination. I miss that car already.