OK so I finally got around to picking up another A4, this time a 2003 TQM as opposed to the 2002 that I had. I just picked it up a week ago and I have had some irritating issues:
Diverted valve leaking
Heated stock Springs
Hideous wing
Faux carbon fiber interior trim
And a bunch of non sense Honda type things on the interior, including some unknown weed roaches in the rear ash tray
None of those were a big concern when I bought the car since I knew they would all be relatively easy fixes. I didn't have my scanner on me when I picked the car up but when I got her home I checked it. Turns out it is a P0299, turbo charger underboost which is something I've never seen before.
So I dig into that code and start looking for boost leaks. Replacedo any questionable check valves with kynar ones from my last purchase, and double checked the SJP, as well as everything else, for any potential leaks. Tightened all intercooler tbolt clamps and it would appear to be rock solid. I replaced the N75 with a known good one from my last A4, as well as bypassed the N249 to eliminate that as a potential cause.
After all that I'm still having the same low boost problem. It felt extremely underpowered so I decided to temporarily hook up my innovate boost gauge and it turns out I'm maxing at 9 psi, which would be fine for stock, but the boost is fluctuating from 6 to 9psi and you can hear the turbo whistling up and down which isn't normal.
Now, in my time checking all of the check valves and vacuum lines, I noticed that my injectors looked different compared to my last ones. These were a light blue as opposed to the dark blue. I researched the part number on the side and it turns out they are the TT 386cc injectors. This would leave me to believe that the car has a 1+ tune at a minimum. So I did some more research and checked to see if it was an APR tune by way of cruise control lever manipulation. While holding the reset button the CEL does flash but only once and not once then off and then once then off, it stays on then blinks off one time then stays on again. Doesn't seem like the APR program switching sequence. Now, if it is a stage 1+, shouldn't I be seeing more than 9 pounds of boost and what is causing the fluctuations? I'm thinking clogged cat but can't be too sure, however, the exhaust pressure form the tail pipes seems very little then what I'm used to seeing.
Any help is appreciated.