So the other day my 05 1.8t s line died on me after getting 2ft out of the drive way after stuttering a couple times and letting out big cloud of smoke, and by the way it died i knew it wasn't good. Long story short i towed it to my mechanic and found out the turbo leaked oil into the intake and hydro-locked the engine which is pretty much beyond repair. Ive spent a load of money over the past 5 years fixing rusted fenders, changing the timing belt twice, replaced the clutch, all the control arms,ball joints,tie rods, milltek exhaust, vogtland coilovers (that are less then a year old) ect. The mechanic quoted me 18hours for the job and the engine would cost $1200 for one with around 250,000km. So thats a minimum 3 grand before tax not including any unforseen issues and not knowing how well maintained the motor was. So im not quite sure what i should do. A friend of mine knows a mechanic that could probably cut the labor cost in half. Should i bite the bullet and replace the motor or just cut my losses and maybe part out or sell the car as is. Im really not sure what i should do as the car is 11 years old. Id really like to hear some of your opinions on the situation, cause im kinda torn right now between cutting my losses and getting a new car or fixing it, i mean i love the car i had it for 5 years and never got bored of it and its great fun in the winter but is it really the smart choice to sink more money into it? Please help me out.